Effluent system designers

Advising dairy farmers on the type of effluent systems currently utilised throughout the industry and the various design components which meet legislative and engineering standards requires specialised technical knowledge and experience.

As the lead agency in effluent and manure systems design and management, Agriculture Victoria provides technical resources and training through the nationally recognised Design Livestock Effluent Systems (Unit AHCLSK 506A) in partnership with Dairy Australia.

The following list of service provider businesses have achieved a level of competence based on successfully completing all assessments and course requirements for the Design Livestock Effluent Systems Course and are able to offer farmers relevant services with respect to planning, design and management.


For further information contact:

Scott McDonald
Agriculture Victoria, Echuca 3564
Phone: 0438 227 779
Email: scott.mcdonald@agriculture.vic.gov.au

Rachael Campbell
Agriculture Victoria, Ballarat 3350
Phone: 0447 347 162
Email: rachael.campbell@agriculture.vic.gov.au


The list of service providers is provided for information purposes only. The State of Victoria and its employees do not expressly or impliedly endorse, recommend or support the service providers named therein, their products or services.

The information has been supplied voluntarily and is not intended to represent a comprehensive list of available service providers.

The information may be of assistance to you, but it is provided on the basis that all persons accessing it undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.

The State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the information provided is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this work.


Peter Abramowski
Bega Agricultural Services
West St, Bega NSW 2550
Phone: 02 6492 1711
Mobile: 0438 925 597
Email: principal@begaag.com.au

Keith Aumann
Engineering Consultancy
Stanthorpe, QLD 4380
Mobile: 0405 428 530
Email: keithaumann@gmail.com

Chris Beveridge
Agri Dairies Pty Ltd
Mt Gambier SA 5290
Mobile: 0418 566 867
Email: chris@agridairies.com.au

Robin Badcock
Badcock Irrigation Services
4154 Meander Valley Road, Deloraine TAS 7304
Phone: 03 6362 3003
Mobile: 0418 133 737
Email: robin@badcockirrigation.com

Christian Bannan
South East Soil & Water
Sandhurst East, VIC 3550
Mobile: 0439 341 265
Email: info@sesw.com.au

Peter Best
Cobden, VIC 3266
Mobile: 0408 281 251
Email: peter@agstrat.co

Scott Birchall
AgSystems Design
Shepparton, VIC 3630
Phone: 03 5821 0603
Mobile: 0458 210 604
Email: scottb@agsystems.com.au

Mark Carter
Price Merrett Consultancy
PO Box 313 Kerang VIC 3579
Mobile 0402 606 553
Email: mark@pricemerrett.com.au

Matt Colwill
Dairy Pumping Systems
6 Ashenden St Leongatha VIC 3953
Mobile: 0455 037 847
Email: matt@dairypumpingsystems.com.au

Brian Crockart
Agribusiness Solutions
Deniliquin, NSW 2710
Mobile: 0427 129 004
Email: brian@agbizsolutions.com.au

James Curran
Pinion Advisory
25 York St, Launceston TAS 7250
Mobile: 0407 622 483
Email: jcurran@pinionadvisory.com

Cameron de Kok
Ag-Challenge Consulting
Warragul VIC 3820
Mobile: 0468 997 338
Email: camswimming@gmail.com

Sam Dingemanse
CBM Sustainable Design
Launceston TAS 7250
Phone: 03 6332 6988
Email: sd@cbmgroup.com.au

Carl Dinkelmann
Lactalis – Western Australia
Mobile: 0427 938 822
Email: carl.dinkelmann@au.lactalis.com

Eddie Fensom
Australian Waste Engineering
RSD 6600, Mt Gambier SA 5290
Phone: 08 87382021
Mobile: 0417 862 197
Email: edan-awe@bigpond.com

Christopher Fitzgerald
Innovative Farming Solutions Pty Ltd
Warrnambool, Victoria. 3280
Mobile: 0493 214 077
Email: sales@innovativefarmingsolutions.com.au

Clare Fitzpatrick
Progressive Rural Solutions
PO Box 74, Deniliquin NSW 2710
Mobile: 0408 577 248
Email: clare@prsltd.com.au

Russell Fountain
Comply Ag Pty Ltd,  Jeetho Vic
Phone: 0417 453 330
Email: russell@complyag.com.au

Ryan Francis
Pinion Advisory
25 York St, Launceston TAS 7250
Mobile: 0429 862 227
Email: rfrancis@pinionadvisory.com

Brian Gannon
Gannon Agribusiness
Leongatha VIC
Mobile: 0424 363 578
Email: brian@gannonagribusiness.com.au

Jake Gaudion
Launceston, TAS
Mobile: 0425 121 448
Email: jakeg@rmcg.com.au

Sarah Grady
Redleaf Environmental
159 Denison St, Rockhampton QLD 4700
Mobile: 0417 602 693
Email: sarah@redleafenv.com.au

James Green
PO Box 73, Cobden VIC 3266
Phone: 03 5595 1078
Mobile: 0418 529 201
Email: jamesgreen@greencon.com.au

Mikayla Hein
Effluent Solutions Australia
Timboon VIC 3268
Mobile: 0419 767 266
Email: mikayla@engineer-it.com.au

Laurie Hooper
Devonport, TAS 7310
Mobile: 0418 560 417
Email: laurie@agritech.net.au

Scott Jardine
Torquay, Victoria
Mobile: 0415 616 114
Email: scott@jardineag.com.au

Jemma Lawrence
Pinion Advisory
Unit 4, 62 Glen Osmond Road, Parkside SA 5063
Mobile: 0419 418 086
Email: jlawrence@pinionadvisory.com

Kirri Loveday
Ag-Challenge Consulting
PO Box 571, Warragul Vic, 3820
Phone: 03 5623 4788
Mobile: 0428 848 324
Email: Kirralee@ag-challenge.com.au

Glenn Marriott
Ag-Challenge Consulting
PO Box 571, Warragul VIC 3820
Phone: 03 5623 4788
Mobile: 0447 613 594
Email: glenn@ag-challenge.com.au

Paul McGrath
GV Dairy Supplies
PO Box 4032, Shepparton North VIC 3631
Phone: 03 5831 3033
Mobile: 0417 507 357
Email: paulgvds@bigpond.net.au

Gerard Murphy
GDM Agricultural Consulting
Leongatha, Gippsland VIC
Mobile: 0400 632 648
Email: gdmagriconsulting@gmail.com

Bernie Noonan
139 Hogan Street, Tatura VIC 3616
Mobile: 0408 241 553
Email: bnoonan@planright.com.au

Daniel Parnell
Western Dairy
PO Box 5066, Bunbury WA 6230
Mobile: 0467 556 542
Email: dan.parnell@westerndairy.com.au

Peter Poke
Poke Design
Circular Head, TAS
Mobile: 0427 522 291
Email: ppdesign@live.com.au

Janine Price
Scolexia Animal & Avian Health Consultancy
Mobile: 0429 899 845
Email: jprice@scolexia.com.au

Tim Stubberfield
Australian Waste Engineering
Mount Gambier, SA
Phone: 08 8738 2021
Mobile 0497 814 654
Email: edan-awe@bigpond.com

Stephan Tait
Brisbane, QLD
Mobile: 0466 699 817
Email: stait@scolexia.com.au

Sam Taylor
AgVivo Pty Ltd
86 Hawker Approach, Yalyalup, WA 6280
Mobile: 0429 332 593
Email: sam@agvivo.com.au

Robyn Tucker
Livestock Environmental and Planning (LEAP)
Private Bag 260 Horsham, VIC 3401
Phone: 03 5381 0709
Mobile: 0419 787 137
Email: robyn@leap-consulting.com.au

Luke Walker
Effluent Solutions Australia
Timboon VIC 3268
Mobile: 0447 264 429
Email: luke@engineer-it.com.au

Nathan Walle
Price Merritt Consulting
Kerang, VIC
Phone: 03 5452 2490
Email: nathan@pricemerrett.com.au

Lachlan Woods
CAF Consulting Services
38 Wyndham St, Shepparton
P.O Box 1948 Shepparton, VIC 3632
Phone: 03 5849 1400
Mobile: 0429 015 282
Email: lachlan@cafconsulting.com.au

Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025