Onthophagus posticus (native)

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Front on and top down photos of a dung beetle with a green head and striped brown wing covering. Description says Onthophagus posticus (male) Pronotum has a metallic green tinge and is finely studded (punctate)  Head lacks ridges and is smooth and flat Elytra have a striped appearance  Pronotum also has a distinct tumosity (bump) at the front Front of clypeus is slightly reflexed (bent up) Elytra have a striped appearanceFront on and top down photos of a dung beetle with a green head and striped brown wing covering. Description says Onthophagus posticus (female) Pronotum has a smooth rounded front prominent ridge (on head) Elytra have a striped appearance  Pronotum also has a metallic green tinge and is finely studded (punctuate) Elytra have a striped appearance ridges on head clearly visible in profile


5–8 mm


Head and thorax have a green sheen and wing covers (elytra) have a striped, dark green/brown appearance.

Active seasons

Spring to autumn

Distribution in Australia

Found in southern Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

Map of australia showing the distribution of O. posticus in SE SA, southern Vic and Tasmania with 2 sightings in NT

South West Prime Lamb Group (SWPLG) demonstrations

O. posticus have been trapped at Cashmore in low numbers. Little information is available about O. posticus compared to other dung beetles.

Acknowledgments and references

Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025