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Importation of fodder and livestock feed into Victoria

Biosecurity threats associated with the movement of stock feed and fodder pose a serious risk to both plant and animal industries. To mitigate these threats, Agriculture Victoria administers legislative requirements aimed at preventing the introduction, establishment and spread of these threats through powers provided under the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010.

With the onset of the summer weather, the need for Victorian farmers to source fodder and livestock feed from states and regions affected by these biosecurity threats increases. Agriculture Victoria wishes to reinforce that the following biosecurity requirements apply to the importation of fodder and livestock feed.

Importation requirements

Importation orders declared under section 36(1) of the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 impose restrictions on the entry or importation into Victoria of material which is a host of a specified pest or disease.

These restrictions do not apply where the state government has issued an area freedom certificate for a specific pest or disease.

The following pests and diseases need to be considered when importing into Victoria.

Annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT)

The entry or importation into Victoria of cereal grain, lucerne hay (except second or subsequent cut for the season), pasture hay and stockfeed is prohibited, unless certified that the material

Cereal grain

Cereal grain must be sampled at the rate of:

  • 100g from every tenth bag, up to a maximum of 400 bags
  • in the case of bulk loads, 100g from 4 sample points per 25 tonne, up to a maximum of 500 tonne.

Cereal grain must be analysed for the presence of annual ryegrass seeds and:

  • no annual ryegrass seeds are detected
  • where annual ryegrass seeds are detected, the seeds are examined for the presence of Anguina funesta galls.

In the case of seed from processing:

  • less than one gall per kilogram of sample is detected.

In the case of seed for planting:

  • no galls detected.


Hay must be:

  • sampled at the rate of: 80 to 100g per each 10 bales, up to a maximum of 400 bales.

Hay must be analysed for the presence of annual ryegrass seeds and:

  • no annual ryegrass seeds are detected
  • where annual ryegrass seeds are detected, the seeds are examined for the presence of Anguina funesta galls; and less than one gall per kilogram of sample is detected.

Documentation requirement: Plant Health Certificate (PHC), Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC) or Plant Health Declaration (PHD).

Green snail

The entry or importation into Victoria of hay grown or packed on a property within 25 kilometres of an infestation of green snail is prohibited. This does not apply if certified that the hay has been grown and packed in accordance with the requirements of the WA protocol.

The WA Protocol means the National Protocol for the Movement of Green Snail, (Cantareus apertus), Host Material to Other States and Territories of Australia: Quarantine WA.

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC or PHD.

Green snail is also found near Cobram, Victoria. The movement of hay sourced from green snail affected properties in Victoria is permitted under permit issued by Agriculture Victoria to the affected landholder.

Red imported fire ant

The entry or importation into Victoria of hay or straw from a property within 5km of a known or suspected infestation of fire ants is prohibited, unless certified that the material:

  • has been treated by methyl bromide fumigation with a product containing 1000g per kg methyl bromide at a rate of 48g/m3 at 21°C for at least 24 hours
  • stored, handled and consigned after treatment so as to prevent infestation with fire ants
  • inspected and found free of fire ants
  • dispatched within 28 days of treatment.

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC or PHD.

Electric ant

The entry or importation into Victoria of hay or straw is prohibited, unless certified that the material has been treated by methyl bromide fumigation with a product containing 1000 g/kg methyl bromide at the rate of:

  • 24 to 32g/m3 at greater than 15°C for 24 hours
  • 32 to 40g/m3 at 10 to 15°C for 24 hours

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC or PHD.

Noxious weeds

Noxious weeds may also be a concern when moving fodder and livestock feed into or within Victoria. See Invasive Plant classifications for more information.


To identify whether certification is required or to obtain certification for the importation of fodder or livestock feed into Victoria, please contact the consigning state or territory’s quarantine authority on 1800 084 881.

Importation of fodder and livestock feed into Australia

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) regulates the importation of fodder and livestock feed into Australia. For further information, contact DAWR on 1800 900 090 or email:

More information

For more information, please contact your local Agriculture Victoria Plant Standards Officer by telephone on 136 186.

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Page last updated: 29 Jun 2020

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