Recovery support services
Farmers who have been impacted by floods and have urgent animal welfare needs, please contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186.
Please report any agricultural losses via our online Impact assessment form.
Technical support
Agriculture Victoria is working with Victorian farmers and industry to prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters, including floods and storms. This includes delivering technical information and supporting events to support farm business recovery on topics such as:
- grazing, cropping and pasture management
- irrigation and horticulture system rehabilitation
- soil erosion management
- land management
- animal health and nutrition
- farm mapping and planning
- water quality
- weed management.
Farmers seeking agriculture recovery assistance or advice are encouraged to phone the Agriculture Recovery team on 136 186 or email your enquiry to
If leaving a message please provide your name, phone number and locality, with a brief statement about the nature of your concern.
Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Hotline
If you suspect a pest or disease outbreak or have seen something unusual, contact the EAD hotline on 1800 675 888.
Check out the Agriculture Victoria events page for upcoming workshops, field days and webinars.
Available resources
The Agriculture Victoria website has resources to support farm recovery after flood on a range of topics including livestock management, land and pasture management, horticulture, and chemical safety. Find them on the Resources for recovery after flood page.
Monthly newsletters
Subscribe to the Recovery and Resilience newsletter to keep up to date with upcoming ag recovery events, opportunities and information.
Subscribe to the monthly Newsflash newsletter produced by our BetterBeef and BestWool/BestLamb teams in Victoria.
Business support
Farm Business Management and Planning Support
Agriculture Victoria normally delivers technical and decision-making support services to assist farm businesses recover from events such as major floods. Working with our industry partners, the department provides services across industries including beef, sheep, dairy, grains, horticulture and irrigation.
Rural Financial Counselling Service
The Rural Financial Counselling Service offers free and independent financial information, options, decision making support and referral services to farmers and small, related rural businesses who are in, or at risk of, financial hardship.
To find your closest service call 1300 771 741 or visit the Rural Financial Counselling Network website.
Farmer Assistance Hotline (Aust Govt)
Information on the Australian Government's support services available to farmers and rural communities: Call 132 316
BlazeAid works alongside families and individuals in rural Australia to help rebuild fences and other structures that have been damaged or destroyed through natural disasters.
Visit the BlazeAid website.
Rural Aid
Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, water, fodder and volunteer assistance.
Call 1300 327 624 or visit the Rural Aid website.