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Restricted breed dogs

Restricted breed dog definition

Restricted breed dogs are defined as dogs that fit the Approved Standard for Restricted Breed Dogs in Victoria (standard). These may be pure or cross bred:

  • American Pit Bull Terriers (or Pit Bull Terriers)
  • Perro de Presa Canarios (or Presa Canario)
  • Dogo Argentinos
  • Japanese Tosas
  • Fila Brasileiros.

Restricted breed dogs have not attacked a person or animal or displayed signs of aggression. However, they are considered a higher risk to community safety than other breeds of dogs.

Declaration process for restricted breed dogs

Authorised officers (from the local council) have the power to declare that a dog is a restricted breed.

Within 7 days of making a declaration an authorised officer must serve written notice of the declaration on the owner of the dog, either personally or by registered post.

The notice will contain information about how owners can apply for a review of the decision, if desired, along with the housing and ownership requirements that apply to restricted breed dogs that can be kept.

Figure 1 provides a flow chart describing the declaration process including specific information about outcomes for dogs and owners.

Figure 1. Declaration process for Restricted Breed Dog

Flowchart showing the process to declare a restricted breed dog - an accessible version appears below the flowchart image

Read a text version of the flowchart

  • The owner can provide proof dog is an 'Amstaff' as per requirements in the ‘approved standard’. If the proof is deemed to meet acceptable exemption then the dog is NOT a restricted breed dog.
  • If there is no proof dog is 'Amstaff' the AO makes declaration in accordance with DAA and approved standards. The AO must be appointed under section 72 to do so. If the owner accepts the declaration, the Council may register the dog as a RBD and prescribed conditions must be met.
  • If there is no proof dog is 'Amstaff' the AO makes declaration in accordance with DAA and approved standards. The AO must be appointed under section 72 to do so. If the owner challenges declaration, the Owner applies to VCAT for review. If VCAT uphold the declaration Council action continues as per legislation. If VCAT overturn declaration, the dog is not a restricted breed.

Application to VCAT for review

  • After a dog is declared a Restricted Breed, owners can apply to VCAT for a review of the declaration. This must be done within 14 days.

Restricted breed dog ownership requirements


Restricted breed dogs must be desexed unless the owner obtains a certificate from a vet stating the dog cannot be desexed for health reasons.

Microchip identification

The owner of a restricted breed dog must make sure the animal is implanted with an ISO microchip in accordance with the regulations (unless already microchipped prior to 20 May 2003).

Within 7 days of the dog being microchipped, the owner must supply to the council where the dog is registered:

  • the microchip identification number
  • other information specified in the regulations


Image of a warning collar attached to a restricted breed dog, it features an orange band with diagonal yellow stripes on the outside rim

Whilst a microchip is a permanent form of identification — it is not visible. Restricted breed dogs must also wear a prescribed collar at all times.

The collar is specially designed to be visible from a distance and reflective at night. This means that at all times, whether on the owner's property or not, a restricted breed dog can be recognised from a distance.

This warns people of the potential danger of the dog.

Collars for restricted breed dogs must:

  • be able to be securely fastened
  • have at least one colour that reflects light in the dark
  • be made of durable materials
  • consist of red stripes alternately spaced with yellow stripes each being of a width of not less than 20 mm and not more than 30mm and set diagonal to the rim of the collar.

They must have a minimum width of:

  • 25mm for a dog weighing no more than 40kgs
  • 50mm for a dog weighing more than 40kg.

For details of suppliers of prescribed collars, contact your local council, or phone the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

Warning signs

It is important for a person with a valid reason to enter the premises (for example emergency services personnel) to know a restricted breed dog is present.

The owner of a restricted breed dog must display prescribed warning signs at all entrances to the premises where the dog is kept warning people that a restricted breed dog is kept on the premises.

This warning sign must:

  • be a rectangle with a height of 10cm and a width of 30cm
  • be made of durable material
  • have a 3 point black border around sign
  • have a light turquoise background
  • have at least one colour that is reflective
  • have black bold 72 font, Times New Roman text.

An example is given.

W restrictued breed dog warning sign. Aqua blue background with black text reading "Restricted Breed Dog" above a single line with "on Premises" below.

For details of suppliers of restricted breed dog signs, contact your local council, or phone the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

Housing on premises

When indoors or outdoors on the premises, the dog must be housed so that:

  • it cannot escape
  • visitors cannot be injured.

The dwelling and outdoor enclosure (or backyard where this forms the outdoor enclosure) must be constructed so that a person cannot access it without the assistance of an occupier of the premises who is of or over 18 years of age.

The owner must also have an outdoor enclosure or backyard that must:

  • be constructed and maintained in a manner which prevents the dog from being able to dig or otherwise escape under, over or through the perimeter of the enclosure
  • contain locks that have self closing and self latching mechanisms on any gates into the enclosure, which can be (and are) locked when the dog is in the enclosure
  • have a minimum floor area of 10 square metres per restricted breed dog
  • have a perimeter fence with a minimum height of 1.8 metres
  • have a weatherproof sleeping area
  • not be situated on premises in such a manner that people have to pass through the enclosure.

An authorised officer may also require that this perimeter have an inward facing overhang of 0.7 metres angled at 35 degrees to the horizontal plane.

In addition, you may be required to use the following construction materials for an outdoor enclosure:

  • 50mm mesh, or weldmesh manufactured from 4mm wire with a maximum mesh spacing of 50mm
  • brick, concrete, timber, iron or similar solid material
  • chain mesh manufactured from 3.15mm wire to form a uniform.

A combination of the above may be acceptable. The mesh size and construction detail is specified so that the enclosure will be escape proof and so that people, particularly small children, cannot fit body parts such as hands into the dog's enclosure.

Restraint off premises

A restricted breed dog must be muzzled and leashed when outside the owner's premises. The dog must be under the control of a person aged 18 or over.

Notification and ownership requirements

The owner of a restricted breed dog must notify the council that registered the dog, within 24 hours if:

  • the dog is missing
  • the ownership of the dog changes
  • the owner's address changes
  • the owner's address changes or the place where the dog is kept changes
  • there is a change in the municipality where a dangerous, menacing or restricted breed dog is kept — owners must inform both the council of the municipal district in which the dog was previously kept and the council of the municipal district in which the dog is being kept within 24 hours of the change.

A person must not own more than 2 restricted breed dogs unless that person has a permit to do so from the council of the municipal district in which the dogs are kept.

Transfer of ownership of a declared restricted breed dog

Declared restricted breed dogs must not be:

  • sold
  • given away
  • transferred to the ownership of another person.

The exception is:

  • when the owner decides to surrender the dog to a council pound or shelter
  • if the owner has died.

If the owner has died, the dog may be passed to an immediate family member of the deceased who is over 18 years of age.

Offence for breeding a restricted breed dog

It is a criminal offence (with a maximum 6 months jail or 60 penalty units) for any person to breed a restricted breed dog — whether or not they are the owner.

The offence is committed if the person deliberately or recklessly allows the breeding.

It applies whether or not both dogs are restricted breeds, and when the breeding results in progeny (whether or not any progeny is a restricted breed dog) either born alive or stillborn.

Authorised officers have the power to take a sample from a dog to help to determine whether the offence for breeding from a restricted breed dog has been committed.

Attacks by restricted breed dogs

If a certain type of dog:

  • kills someone — owners can be jailed for up to 10 years
  • endangers someone's life — owners can be jailed for up to 5 years.
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Page last updated: 12 Sep 2023

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