Declared bird organisations

Approved bird clubs

Blue budgerigar perched on handApproved bird clubs can now hold bird sales outside of a private residence or pet shop.

A scheme is now in place to allow for bird clubs to hold bird sales at locations other than a private residence or a registered pet shop. Clubs that do not hold bird sales do not need to apply.

To hold a sale, bird clubs apply to the Minister for Agriculture to become a declared bird organisation.

Once approved, the organisation must notify the Secretary of the department of the details of each bird sale at least 14 days before the event.

The Governor-in-Council (GiC) order exempting bird clubs from this scheme was removed on 10 April 2020. As such, bird clubs that want to hold a bird sale event outside of a private residence or registered pet shop must either be approved by the Minister for Agriculture as a Declared Bird Organisation or hold an animal sale permit.

Processes on becoming a declared bird organisation and making notification of a bird sale are outlined below.

Application process

A bird club applies to the Minister for Agriculture to be a declared bird organisation. Once approved, this declaration is gazetted online.

To apply, please complete the following application form Form 1: Declared bird letter to the Minister (WORD - 35.1 KB)

and submit to:

Minister for Agriculture
c/- Animal Welfare Victoria, Domestic Animal Services
475 Mickleham Road
Attwood VIC 3049


email to


There are two criteria that the Minister must be satisfied on to make a declaration and evidence will need to accompany your application for each.

To be eligible to apply, an organisation must represent members with an interest in:

  • birds and bird keeping
  • the promotion of aviculture
  • the well-being of birds, whether in captivity or in the wild.

The Minister for Agriculture may declare bird organisations if satisfied that the organisation has processes in place to educate its members about, and ensure compliance with either:

If you have any questions on processes for both educating on and ensuring compliance with the Code of Practice, and the type of evidence that might be supplied, please contact Animal Welfare Victoria.

Birds exempt from the declared bird organisation scheme are:

  • waterfowl
  • fancy poultry
  • fancy pigeons
  • racing pigeons
  • birds used for the commercial production of meat or eggs (such as poultry, pheasants or quail).

Notification to sell birds

Once declared a declared bird organisation, clubs notify the Secretary of the department of their intention to hold a bird sale outside of a pet shop or residential premises. This notification must be given at least 14 days before the sale begins, and includes:

  • the date/s of the sale
  • proposed location of the sale
  • contact details for the person in charge
  • possible type of birds to be sold.

Notification can be sent to:

Secretary DJPR
c/- Animal Welfare Victoria, Domestic Animal Services
475 Mickleham Road
Atwood VIC 3049

or email

Declared bird organisations may complete the following form to assist in complying with the notification requirements.

Assistance is available by contacting Animal Welfare Victoria on or calling 03 8377 4645.

List of declared bird organisations

Page last updated: 04 Jun 2020