Managing invasive plants and animals
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We all have a role to play in managing invasive plants and animals. Government, industry and the community need to work cooperatively to protect Victoria from serious weed and animal threats.
New landholders should familiarise themselves with the legal requirements of controlling weeds and pest animals on their properties. Land owners and managers have a particular role to play and are required by law to manage declared noxious weeds on their property.
Weeds, or invasive plants, pose a serious threat to primary production and biodiversity in Victoria. Many species have the potential to reduce agricultural productivity, displace native species, threaten social values and contribute significantly to land and water degradation.
Where to get information on weed management
- Priority weeds provides information on the biology of a selection of declared and undeclared weeds in Victoria
- Invasive plant classification describes the four categories of plant declaration in Victoria and the legal responsibilities of managing those category of plants.
Pest animals
Invasive pest animals are non-native (introduced) species that are, or have the potential to become, established in the wild through escape from captivity, deliberate or accidental release and accidental or illegal importation.
Invasive animals threaten and impact Victorian farms, parks and forests, waterways, biodiversity and catchment assets. Their presence impacts widely on our environment and economy and the animals themselves may indirectly pose threats to human health, amenities and cause a number of social issues.
The problems caused by invasive animals vary but include:
- competing with native wildlife for food and habitat
- preying on livestock and wildlife
- grazing pressure on pastures, crops and native plant communities.
They may also:
- spread weeds
- contribute to erosion and waterway degradation
- become nuisances to human activities which may be responsible for stress in rural communities.
Human and animal diseases may also be introduced and spread through these animals.
Where to get information on pest animal management
- Invasive animal management provides information regarding the management of established invasive animals in Victoria and details about high-risk invasive species that have the potential to establish in the State and how to report sightings of these species.
- Invasive animal classifications details the four categories of animal declarations in Victoria and the legal responsibilities of managing those animal categories.
- Fox and wild dog bounty provides a collection of information regarding the bounty's terms, conditions, collection schedules and frequently asked questions.