African boxthorn is a rounded, woody, densely branched and very thorny large shrub up to 5 metres high.
African daisy is a perennial herb or shrub.It is a strong competitor in natural environments and forms dense thickets that exclude native plant species, resulti
African feather grass is an erect, perennial grass that can grow to a height of 2 metres.It is a pasture weed and can dominate in pastures, seriously impacting
African lovegrass is a densely-tufted perennial grass and is found in most regions..
Amsinckia is an erect annual herb growing to 70 centimetres. It competes strongly with cereal crops and heavy infestations of the weed can cause large yield losses.
Artichoke thistle has its greatest impact on agricultural land. Once established, the weed shades out most pasture species as well as drawing moisture and nutri
Blackberry is a perennial, semi-deciduous, prickly, scrambling invasive plant.
Boneseed is a woody, erect shrub and can have an effect on native vegetation. It can be found throughout south-eastern Australia and coastal New South Wales.
Buffalo burr is an annual herb and occurs in pastures. Grazing may be affected as animals will avoid the plant's prickles.
Caltrop prefers warm-temperate regions mainly on light-textured soils.Spines on the fruit damage the feet of animals. It is toxic to sheep.
Cape tulip (one-leaf) is an erect perennial herb that grows from a bulb. It grows best in open environments.
Cape tulip (two-leaf) is a perennial herb.All parts of the Cape tulip (two-leaf) plant are toxic to all types of grazing animals.
Chilean cestrum is a shrub that grows to 3 metres high. It is toxic to animals including cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and poultry.
Chilean needle grass is a declared noxious weed and is classed as a restricted weed in all Victorian catchments.
Devil's claw (purple flower) is a low-growing annual herb.
Devil's claw (yellow flower) is a low-growing annual herb with an unpleasant odour. It is known to compete strongly with summer crops.
English broom is a large deciduous shrub growing to 3 metres high.
Flax-leaved broom is an evergreen shrub which can grow up to 3 metres high.
Golden thistle is a perennial herb with many branches.If it is not controlled, grazing areas may be of limited use.
Gorse is a major weed of agriculture invading all pasture types and significantly reducing grazing capacity.
Hardheads are perennial herbs. They can virtually exclude all other vegetation.
Illyrian thistle is an erect annual or biennial herb growing to a height of 2 metres.The plant is likely to be troublesome in annual clover pastures.
Khaki weed is a creeping perennial herb. It occasionally establishes in native pastures where it out-competes other native species.
Noogoora burr affects tomato, sunflower and summer crops and is a weed of importance in the dried fruit industry.
Paterson's curse is an annual, occasionally biennial, herb. It is poisonous to grazing animals.
Prairie ground cherry forms dense infestations in pastures, crops and roadsides, reducing available fodder and displacing desirable species.
Prickly pear (drooping)can form a barrier that obstructs the movement of stock and will reduce agricultural productivity.
Prickly pear (erect) contains numerous seeds in each fruit with the plant also producing numerous fruits.
Ragwort seeds are spread by wind, water, animals, farm implements, agricultural produce including hay, on clothing and other equipment.
Scotch thistle reproduces by seed and root pieces. It competes well with pasture resulting in them being overrun by this weed.
Dense infestations of Serrated tussock can pose a serious fire hazard with a recorded burn intensity of up to seven times greater than native grasslands.
Silverleaf nightshade is an erect summer perennial herb growing to a height of 80 centimetres.It is a direct competitor to summer growing crops and pastures.
Skeleton weed's competition for nitrogen and other nutrients has significant impacts on agricultural yield and harvest costs.
Soldier thistle is an erect annual herb growing to 1 metre high. The sharp spines of the plant can injure animals and are generally avoided by stock.
Spiny broom is a perennial shrub. Dense infestations of spiny broom reduce grazing potential.
Spiny burr grass is an erect or spreading annual summer growing grass. The burrs can become badly tangled in wool, lowering its value and making sheep difficult
Spiny emex is a semi-prostrate annual herb. The fruit from the plant can harm domestic animals, particularly dogs, and has the potential to harm native fauna.
Star thistle is an erect bushy annual or biennial herb growing to 1 metre high. Seeds of Star thistle tend to remain in the spiny heads which become attached to wool, bags and tyres.
Stemless thistle is a prostrate annual or biennial herb. It is commonly found in pastures, and on roadsides, channel banks and fallow ground.
St Barnaby's thistle is an erect annual herb. Large dense infestations can create barriers and restrict stock movement.
Thorn apple (recurved) is an annual or perennial summer growing weed. All parts of the thorn apple (recurved) plant are poisonous.
Wheel cactus is an erect succulent shrub growing to 1 to 2 metres high. In dense patches, the plant could hinder access to water and reduce food available for f
We acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal Owners of Country throughout Victoria, their ongoing connection to this land and we pay our respects to their culture and their Elders past, present and future.