Storage requirements

The Poisons Standard outlines the storage standards for retail suppliers of Schedule 6 (S6) and Schedule 7 (S7) poisons.

All S6 poisons, identified by the signal heading ‘Poison’, must be kept in a way to prevent access by children.

All S7 poisons, identified by the signal heading ‘Dangerous Poison’, must not be kept in any area or manner that allows physical access by any person unless they are:

  • the owner of the retail establishment, or
  • an employee of the owner, or
  • legally permitted to purchase the substance and are under the supervision or the owner or an employee of the owner.

Close up image of storage facility containing agricultural chemicals.

The National guideline for retail storage of Schedule 6 and Schedule 7 poisons published by the Therapeutic Goods Administration provides for a nationally uniform approach to retail storage that meets the expectations while retaining flexibility for business where possible.

Some agricultural and veterinary chemicals are also defined as dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act 1985 (DG Act). WorkSafe regulate the storage and handling of dangerous goods under the DG Act and the Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2012.

Further information about the storage and handling of dangerous goods can be found on the WorkSafe website.

Page last updated: 11 Jul 2023