AgVet chemical retailers and records

The requirements associated with retail supply of agricultural and veterinary chemicals are governed by the:

  • Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (Commonwealth)
  • Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Victoria) and
  • Poisons Standard (Commonwealth).

Agriculture Victoria is responsible for regulating retail supply in Victoria as it relates to ‘farm’ and ‘over the counter’ products. Information relating to veterinary supply of prescription animal remedy veterinary chemicals is covered on the Veterinary Chemicals page.

Wholesale of agricultural products is regulated by Department of Health (Victoria).

Records of supply

Retailers are required to make specific records of all transactions involving Schedule 7 poisons (S7s). Many S7s that are sold by retail are agricultural chemicals (i.e. 1080 or PAPP baits, paraquat products, fumigation tablets containing aluminium phosphide), but there are a small number of S7 veterinary chemical products (such as some products containing selenium).

Under Victorian law, retailers must record the following information when supplying any S7 product in Victoria and keep it for three years from the date of supply:

  • Name and address of person to whom the products are sold/supplied
    • – Person who collected the product from the store, and
    • – User of product (if the product is collected by another person, such as an ‘agent’)
  • Date of sale or supply
  • Name of poison sold or supplied
  • Quantity of product sold or supplied

AgVet chemical retailer resources

The templates and information notes below may assist you in complying with the legal requirements of supplying agricultural farm and veterinary ‘over the counter’ chemical products.

Page last updated: 17 Mar 2022