Dry season resources for farmers

Feeding Livestock website

The Feeding Livestock website has all the tools, resources and calculators you’ll need during drought and other times when pasture is limited.

Young farmers

The Victorian Government is committed to supporting the next generation of farmers to develop and prosper, by providing opportunities for young people in agriculture to have a say and enhance their career.

See Young farmers for more information.

Online learning

The Agriculture Victoria learning management system provides online learning opportunities including modules on Stock Containment Areas, irrigation decision making and managing soils and groundcover.

See our learning management system for more information and to access all available courses.

Stubble management information

Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF) have produced guides to assist farmers in the region to manage stubble and groundcover.

Download the guide or flip cards at Stubble Management: A Guide for Mallee Farmers, or contact MSF for hard copies.

Drought and Supplementary Feed Calculator (DASFC) app

App icon for the Drought and supplementary feed calculator

The Drought and Supplementary Feed Calculator is an essential tool for sheep and cattle producers to develop drought feed rations as well as rations for dry periods when supplementary feeding is required.

Featuring a comprehensive feeds database listing average nutritional values of 71 different feeds you can compare and develop a mixed ration containing up to five feeds.

Download the app for free from the:

An instructional video produced by NSW Department of Primary Industries is available to assist you to use the app.

Water Market Watch app

App icon for the Water Market Watch app

Every hour of every day water is traded on the Victorian water market. A new app – Water Market Watch – is now available so you can keep up to date with this changing information anywhere, anytime on your mobile phone.

The app uses authoritative and up-to-date market information from the Victorian Water Register administered by the Victorian Government.

Download the app for free from the:

Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024