Biosecurity emergency management


Effective biosecurity systems begin with a clear understanding of potential threats, likely pathways of introduction and factors influencing change.

Landholders and industry play a critical role in the prevention of biosecurity emergencies in Victoria by following good farm biosecurity practices.

Play your part by:

  • Implementing farm biosecurity practices on your property. Farm biosecurity resources can be found on the Farm Biosecurity website.
  • Ensuring you have a Property Identification Code for your property.  This information can be key in preventing or limiting an outbreak of a disease.
  • Tagging your livestock with National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) accredited tag or device. The NLIS provides vital information on the movement of livestock and is a key disease prevention measure available to the animal industries.

These interventions reduce both the likelihood and potential consequences associated with biosecurity emergencies.

Early detection and reporting of outbreaks is another critical step in minimising the impact of biosecurity emergencies.

  • If you suspect you’ve found a new plant pest or disease, call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881. Alternatively, you can make a report via our online form online form with photos (where possible).
  • If you suspect any emergency animal disease, call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.


Agriculture Victoria works with industry, community and other government agencies to respond to biosecurity outbreaks:

  • responses to plant diseases are guided by the nationally agreed PLANTPLAN
  • responses to animal diseases are guided by the nationally agreed AUSVETPLAN.

Responses to biosecurity emergencies aim to:

  • prevent the spread of the pest or disease into and/or within Victoria
  • identify areas of infection and eradicate the pest or disease
  • provide advice and information to  communities and industries
  • control, eradicate and/or prove freedom from the pest or disease
  • support recovery from pest or disease incursions.


Recovery measures are dependent on the type and scale of a biosecurity emergency.

For Agriculture Victoria, the State Emergency Management Plan, the Animal, Plant, Marine and Environment Biosecurity Sub Plan, and the Victorian Emergency Animal Welfare Plan facilitate collaboration between all agencies and organisations responsible for supporting the relief and recovery of communities that have been affected by emergencies in Victoria.

Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025