Report a biosecurity incident

Seen something unusual? Report it, even if you’re not sure.

  • Exotic Plant Pest Hotline: 1800 084 881 (plant pests and diseases, weeds and bees).
  • Emergency Animal Disease Hotline: 1800 675 888 (sick livestock, poultry and aquatic animals).

Pests and diseases can spread quickly over large distances. It’s essential that you report what you find as soon as possible. Early detection can minimise the spread of pests and diseases and help protect our important plant and animal industries.

Plant diseases, pests and weeds

If you suspect you’ve found a new plant pest or disease, call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800 084 881.

Alternatively, you can make a report via our online form with photos (where possible).

Plant diseases, pest insects and mites and weeds impact on Victoria's horticulture and grain industries and damage trade at a state, national and international level.

As the control agency for biosecurity emergencies, Agriculture Victoria manages outbreaks within Victoria and works with national partners through the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed.

Responses to plant diseases are guided by the nationally agreed PLANTPLAN.

Find out more about the threats facing Victoria:

Emergency animal disease

If you suspect an emergency animal disease call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Information that is useful to report includes:

  • location of animals (address point, GPS, etc.)
  • clinical signs – what symptoms do the animals have?
  • number of animals affected and the total number of animals on the property
  • history of the animals, for example, recent travel, vaccinations, treatments

Victoria is fortunate to be free of most of the serious diseases that affect animals in other parts of the world.

Despite this fact, ongoing surveillance and reporting of sick animals is important to ensure the early detection of animal diseases that might impact on trade, regional or national productivity, public health or biodiversity.

As the control agency for biosecurity emergencies, Agriculture Victoria manages emergency animal disease outbreaks within Victoria and works with national partners through the Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA).

Responses to animal diseases are guided by the nationally agreed AUSVETPLAN.

Find out more about the threats facing Victoria:

Page last updated: 06 Jan 2025