Farm water solutions project

The objective of the Farm Water Solutions project is to support farmers and service providers in improving their understanding and better management of water access and water storage.

The emphasis has changed from the short term immediate needs of a drought response to long-term  planning  to reduce risk, increase efficiencies and be aware of relevant water policy and its implications.

Benefits of Farm Water Solutions

Having the right quality of stock, domestic and commercial water, where you need it, when you need it and in the quantity you need, are critical for all farm businesses.

Options to increase reliability and security of good quality water for the needs of the farm business can be achieved by considering:

  • water uses on-farm
  • supply and quality of water sources
  • farm dam construction and siting for reliability
  • reticulation and distribution options
  • options to increase water efficiency
  • water capture and storage options.

Information for land managers and service providers

Contact us


Martin Hamilton

Ph. 0429 946 149


Page last updated: 03 Jun 2024