Veterinary chemical use records

There are two types of veterinary chemical use records in Victoria. Farmers and veterinary practitioners (vets) have their own separate record keeping requirements.

Requirements for farmers

Farmers are required to keep certain records when treating stock animals with a veterinary chemical product that is:

Under the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992stock includes any animals used to produce food or are used as food for humans. It includes bees, fish and birds.

What to include

The following records must be made within 48 hours of using a veterinary chemical product:

  • product trade name
  • species of the animal
  • location of the animal
  • identification number (if known) or description of the animal to distinguish the treated animal from others
  • the dates the animal was treated with the product
  • quantity of the product used for each treatment.

You must keep these records for two years from the date of use.

Requirements for vets

Vets are required to keep records of the sale or use of veterinary chemical products that:

  • are a Schedule 4 Poison (Prescription Animal Remedy)
  • are not registered as a veterinary chemical product by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)
  • are registered veterinary chemical products sold without an APVMA-approved label
  • are registered veterinary chemical products sold for a use not specified on the product label, or
  • have a withholding period (WHP).

Vets who sell or use any of these veterinary chemical products to treat stock animals are required to make the following records within 24 hours of selling or using the chemical product:

  • product name
  • date the product was sold or used
  • directions for use
  • name and address of the person purchasing the product
  • quantity of the product sold or used
  • species of animal to be treated
  • location of the animal to be treated
  • applicable WHPs.

If the veterinary chemical product is unregistered, also keep a record of the following:

  • name of the active constituent
  • concentration of the product at time of sale or use
  • form of product at time of sale or use.

These records must be kept for two years after the sale or use of the chemical product.

For more information on veterinary chemical use records, including record-keeping templates, visit the Record-keeping format and templates page.

Page last updated: 28 Feb 2024