Scientific Procedures Fieldwork Licence

Scientific fieldwork

A Scientific Procedures Fieldwork Licence authorises the use of premises or locations that are not ordinarily used for scientific procedures.

Examples might include:

  • use of production animals on farms
  • a clinical trial of a new veterinary treatment at a veterinary hospital
  • use of non-captive animals in the wild.

Procedures, personnel and location(s) must be approved by the nominated Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) and standards appropriate to the level of use must be maintained.

Licence holders nominating an AEC based outside Victoria must notify Animal Welfare Victoria of fieldwork projects before they commence by submitting a fieldwork notification form.

Fieldwork notifications

Fieldwork notifications are required to be submitted in accordance with regulation 129 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019 before fieldwork commences under a Scientific Procedures Fieldwork Licence (SPFL) that utilises an interstate AEC.

In completing a fieldwork notification form, you will be required to provide details relating to how the AEC will monitor the project, where the project is being undertaken and a description of the work that is going to be undertaken. You must also list the species and numbers of animals that are expected to be used.

Licence holders of a SPFL that have nominated a Victorian AEC do not need to submit a fieldwork notification.

The fieldwork notification form can be found on the forms page.

The completed form can be submitted by email to

The licence nominee

This is the individual nominated by the applicant or licence holder to be responsible for procedures under a Scientific Procedures Fieldwork Licence. The nominee is also responsible for ensuring all facilities and equipment are clean, safe for animals and in good repair.

The licence nominee is the first point of contact for Animal Welfare Victoria as the licensing authority, and will be corresponded with on all matters relating to the licence, such as:

  • breaches of licence conditions
  • licence audits
  • reporting of animal use
  • Animal Ethics Committee composition and conduct.

If the licence applicant is a natural person they must nominate themselves for this role. All nominees must have suitable authority to execute their obligations.


Breeding of specified animals is not authorised under a Scientific Procedures Fieldwork Licence.

Other licence conditions

All practices carried out under the licence must be compliant with the:

Full details of the Scientific Procedures Fieldwork Licence conditions may be found in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019.  These conditions will also be listed on the licence.

Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (POCTA Act) penalties may apply for breaches of licence conditions.

Download the Victorian Code of Practice:


Forms are available on the forms page or email

Page last updated: 09 Jan 2024