Digital tip – trouble with sound when joining Zoom meetings or webinars?

Sheep caricature with light globe and mobile phone

Zoom is great technology for having meetings or hearing presentations without travelling. Sometimes I notice people have trouble getting the audio to work – and I have had problems when using other computers. Here are some simple tips to getting the audio to work.

1. Check the volume icon

First make sure that the sound is turned up on your computer by checking the volume icon on the bottom right of your screen (a).

screenshot of Zoom meeting screen with speaker volume setting circled to indicate this should be checked and adjusted during a zoom meeting

2. Check Zoom audio settings

If that’s doesn’t work, try clicking on the Zoom audio settings on your screen, usually down on the bottom left as the microphone. Click on the arrow beside this to see the microphone and speaker options (b).

screenshot of Zoom meeting screen showing the settings to select microphone and speakers

3. Test microphone and speaker

Click ‘test speaker’ and it will play sound and ask you if working. If you don’t hear sound, you might have the option here to change sources and test another speaker on your computer (c).

screenshot of Zoom meeting showing audio menu and with test microphone and speaker option highlighted

4. Still not working? Switch to phone audio

If still not working – you can click the ‘switch to phone audio’ (underneath the test speaker option) and phone options will appear for you to call in from your mobile phone. You can keep the Zoom meeting or webinar open on your computer to see the presentation.

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Page last updated: 09 Apr 2024