Victorian Food Regulators Forum
The Victorian Food Regulators Forum promotes ongoing cooperation and coordination between food safety regulators and consists of senior representatives from:
- Department of Health
- Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- PrimeSafe
- Dairy Food Safety Victoria
- Municipal Association of Victoria (representing Victoria's 79 local councils)
Read the Forum's Terms of Reference.
For more information go to:
- Food safety (Victorian Department of Health and Human Services)
- Dairy Food Safety Victoria
- PrimeSafe
The Victorian Food Regulators Forum meets quarterly.
Victoria's food regulation framework
Food regulation in Victoria is currently managed by two state government departments, two state statutory authorities and 79 local Councils. It operates within a national framework and is governed by national standards that are implemented by states and territories.
Coordination among regulatory bodies is critical to minimise duplication within the regulatory framework. Regulators operate under their own legislation and in line with a Memorandum of Understanding and explanatory schedule that specifies how they work together.