Livestock Disease Control Regulations 2017

The Livestock Disease Control Regulations (the Regulations) operate under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (the Act) to:

  • provide requirements to protect Victorian livestock from disease
  • maintain and enhance domestic and international market access.

The legislation also aims to protect public health:

  • by preventing diseases that are transmissible to humans
  • by providing compensation for certain livestock losses
  • by supporting the operation of livestock traceability systems for the purposes of market access and disease and residue control.

What the Regulations do

The Regulations provide requirements, infringement offences and penalties that relate to:

  • the testing, notification and prevention of livestock diseases
  • the identification and movement of livestock
  • the import of livestock, livestock products, fodder and fittings into Victoria
  • the seizure and disposal of certain livestock, fodder and fittings
  • livestock-related compensation claims.

Who the Regulations apply to

The Regulations affect the following livestock industry stakeholders.

Primary producers

Primary producers, including hobby producers and people who own livestock as pets, are those who breed and raise livestock such as:

  • bees
  • cattle
  • sheep
  • goats
  • pigs
  • chickens
  • horses
  • alpacas
  • camels
  • aquaculture.

Stock and station agents

Stock and station agents act as brokers for primary producers and sell livestock via private sales, from farm to farm, private auctions, directly to abattoirs, or through saleyards.


Primary producers and stock agents use saleyards to buy and sell livestock. Livestock can be sold based on weight or numbers.

Abattoirs and knackeries

Abattoirs and knackeries slaughter livestock and process animal carcasses into meat and meat-related products.

Operators of agricultural shows

Operators of agricultural shows work throughout the state at various times throughout the year.

Page last updated: 16 Dec 2022