
Condition 36C - Fire Ant: Earth Material including Landscaping Materials

The information within this Import Condition was current as of the date of printing: Wednesday, 15 January 2025.

New entry conditions or amendments may be implemented from time to time and are uploaded into the Plant Quarantine Manual.

It is recommended that you regularly check the website for the most up to date import conditions.

Any material originating from an area covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free of red imported fire ants (RIFA) may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise‐

the movement into Victoria of any earth or landscaping material (including potting media, organic mulch and composted animal manure), is prohibited unless:

  1. consigned from a property which
    1. has been regularly inspected and found to be free of fire ants; or
    2. is subject to control methods to prevent the establishment or spread of fire ants; and
  2. any earth and landscaping material including potting media, organic mulch and composted animal manure –
    1. was treated by ‐
      1. heating the entire mass to a minimum temperature of 65.5°C using steam or dry heat; or
      2. fumigating with a product containing 1000 g/kg methyl bromide, at the rate of 48 g/m3 at 21°C for at least 24 hours; or
      3. in the case of diagnostic samples, freezing to at least –20°C for not less than 24 hours; and
    2. was produced, stored, handled and consigned in such a manner that would prevent infestation or destroy all life stages of fire ants; and
    3. remains packed in the original sealed bag or container in which it was first commercially packed; and
  3. processed by hammer milling where ‐
    1. the property has been inspected not less than seven days prior to consignment and found free of fire ant, and
    2. the material is –
      1. passed through a mesh of not more than 50 mm in size, and
      2. passed over a mesh of not more than 3 mm in size to remove small particulates, and
      3. immediately bagged into vacuum-sealed bags; and
      4. inspected at the rate of 1 in 50 bags to ensure they are properly sealed; and
  4. a copy of the certification is forwarded to Agriculture Victoria at prior to despatch of the material; or
  5. enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page.

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC, BioSecure HACCP Health Certificate under ECCPRIFA21, Plant Health Declaration or Permit.

Verification Requirement:

Host material imported into Victoria which is required by to be accompanied by a certificate or declaration, must be –

(a) presented to an Inspector for inspection; or

(b) verified by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

Relevant Hosts / Commodities