Agricultural chemical user permit

Apply for or manage your agricultural chemical user permit (ACUP) online

You can now manage your permit online with Agriculture Victoria Connect.

Visit Agriculture Victoria Connect

An agricultural chemical user permit (ACUP) is a permit issued to a person, that gives authority to:

You must undertake relevant training before you can apply for and hold an ACUP.

ACUPs don't authorise a person to use agricultural chemicals on another person's property, crop or commodity for a fee or reward (contractors).

For this purpose, see Commercial Operator Licence.

Who needs an ACUP?

A person is required to hold an ACUP to use any of the agricultural chemical products that are Schedule 7 poisons (dangerous poisons) or that contain any of the following chemicals:

  • atrazine, metham sodium, or ester formulations of MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4-DB or triclopyr
  • 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) or PAPP (4-aminopropiophenone)
  • pindone concentrate (2.5% or greater) for the preparation of baits
  • gaseous methyl bromide
  • phosphine formulated as liquefied gas
  • timber treatment copper chromium arsenic (CCA).

This list includes all the available ACUP endorsement options that are outlined in the Training requirements section of this page.


Where a 'restricted use' chemical is used, a Standard endorsed ACUP is not required by people who are operating under the direct and immediate supervision (within sight and sound) of a Standard endorsed ACUP holder.

ACUP types and training requirements

There are five different ACUP endorsement types, depending on the agricultural chemicals you intend to use. The endorsement types are:

  • Standard
  • 1080 and PAPP
  • Pindone concentrate
  • Fumigants
  • Copper chromium arsenic

All ACUPs are issued for 10 years and no further training is required during this period to maintain the ACUP. Previous training equivalents are also accepted.

A chemical user training course certificate or card is not an ACUP — it only qualifies the holder to apply for a Standard endorsed ACUP.

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Authorises the use of agricultural chemicals that:

  • are Schedule 7 poisons (DANGEROUS POISONS)
  • contain atrazine, metham sodium, or ester formulations of MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4-DB or triclopyr.

Training requirement

A recognised course in agvet chemical use (or equivalent) that includes the units:

  • AHCCHM307 — Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases (previously AHCCHM303)
  • AHCCHM304 — Transport and store chemicals.

For example, the AgVet Chemical User Course run by AusChem Victoria, ChemCert, or various other courses by TAFE institutes and private providers.

Permit Conditions of Use

This permit does not authorise the use of agricultural chemical products containing methyl bromide, or phosphine formulated as liquefied gas, or pindone concentrate for the preparation of poison baits, or 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate), or PAPP (4-aminopropiophenone).


Authorises the supply (purchase) and use of pest animal bait products that contain 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) or PAPP (4-aminopropiophenone).

Training requirement

  • Training for the Standard endorsed ACUP
  • the 22516VIC — Course in Minimising Risks in the Use of 1080 and PAPP Bait Products for Vertebrate Pest Control (or previous equivalents 22275VIC or 21835VIC)

Permit Conditions of Use

This permit does not authorise the use of agricultural chemical products containing methyl bromide, or phosphine formulated as liquefied gas, or pindone concentrate for the preparation of poison baits. Use of 1080 and PAPP must comply with the directions for use.


Authorises the supply (purchase) and use of products that contain pindone concentrate (2.5% or greater) for the preparation of baits.

Note: This does not include prepared pindone bait products such as oats or carrots. No ACUP endorsement type is required to supply or use these prepared products.

Training requirement

  • Training for the Standard endorsed ACUP
  • AHCPMG309 — Apply pest animal control techniques

Or, a recognised course in vermin control or pest animal management that includes the now superseded units:

  • AHCVPT306A
  • AHCFAU201A
  • AHCPMG402A
  • AHCVPT302A.

Permit Conditions of Use

This permit does not authorise the use of agricultural chemical products containing Schedule 7 Poisons (DANGEROUS POISONS), or products containing atrazine, metham sodium or ester formulations of MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4-DB or triclopyr.


Authorises the supply (purchase) and use of products that contain:

  • gaseous methyl bromide
  • phosphine formulated as liquefied gas.

Training requirement

The unit CPPUPM3011 — Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments from the Asset Maintenance training package (or previous equivalents CPPPMT3011 or CPPPMT3011A).

Permit Conditions of Use

This permit does not authorise the use of agricultural chemical products containing Schedule 7 Poisons (DANGEROUS POISONS) other than those listed above, or products containing atrazine, metham sodium or ester formulations of MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4-DB or triclopyr, or pindone concentrate for the preparation of poison baits.


Authorises the supply and use of products that contain timber treatment copper chromium arsenic (CCA) chemicals.

Note: CCA products are not sold by retailers and are not used by farmers or the general public. Only people working in timber treatment plants use CCA products.

Training requirement

Unit FWPSAW3242 — Treat timber (previous equivalent FWPSAW3201, FPISAW3201B or FPISAW3201A).

Permit Conditions of Use

This permit does not authorise the use of agricultural chemical products other than those with formulations containing, as active constituents, all three of the following in various chemical forms: copper, chromium and arsenic.

If you need more than one of the above ACUP endorsement types, a single ACUP can be issued for any combination except for CCA, which is issued separately.

The training requirement for each endorsement type must be met before a combined ACUP can be issued.

The Permit Conditions of Use of a Combination ACUP are equivalent to those of the above endorsement types issued with the Combination ACUP.

Under 18 ACUP

There are conditional ACUPs available for applicants aged under 18 years to authorise the use of products that contain:

  • atrazine
  • metham sodium
  • the ester formulations of 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, MCPA and triclopyr
  • pindone concentrate for the preparation of poison baits.

It is illegal for a person under 18 to possess or use a Schedule 7 poison (DANGEROUS POISON).

Apply for an ACUP

To apply for an ACUP:

  • decide which ACUP endorsement type you need
  • successfully complete the relevant training course or courses
  • use Agriculture Victoria Connect to submit your application

The ACUP application fee as at 1 July 2023 is $60.40 and the permit is valid for 10 years. There's no additional cost for adding another endorsement type to an existing ACUP.

Renewing your ACUP

Around two months before your ACUP is due to expire you'll receive a renewal letter to the address listed on the ACUP.

If you don't receive a renewal letter, you can:

It is your responsibility to have a valid ACUP for the agricultural chemical products you are using. Agriculture Victoria takes no responsibility if you do not receive your renewal letter.

You don't need to complete the relevant training requirement again in order to reapply for your ACUP. But we do encourage chemical users to keep up to date with changes in technology, current practices and regulations.

Page last updated: 26 Jun 2024