Resource directory for Grampians fire-affected farmers

Support for fire affected farmers

Farmers who have been impacted by the Grampians National Park – Yarram Gap Road bushfire event and have urgent animal welfare needs, please contact Agriculture Victoria on 1800 226 226.

For agriculture recovery assistance or advice, including technical decision-making support contact Agriculture Victoria at

Farm business support

Technical decision-making support, resources and events

Agriculture Victoria is working with impacted farmers to deliver technical information and decision-making support, including on recovery topics:

  • Grazing, cropping and pasture management
  • Soil erosion management
  • Land management
  • Animal health and nutrition
  • Farm mapping and planning
  • Water supply and quality
  • Weed management

For information on technical support, contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 or email

Find out about upcoming technical events

Farmers and service providers are encouraged to subscribe to the Resilience and Recovery digital newsletter to access latest events and information.

Managing immediate impacts

What to do after a bushfire

The Agriculture Victoria website has information about what to do on your farm after a bushfire, including: stock water, pasture recovery, finance and insurance and carcass disposal. More information is available at What to do after a bushfire.

WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe Victoria has information about safe work practices on the farm including maintaining managing the risks associated with bushfire recovery and tips on working safely with chainsaws and other farm equipment.

Wildlife impacted by natural disasters

Under Victorian emergency management arrangements, the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) is the lead agency for wildlife welfare arising from declared emergencies. Injured wildlife can be reported to the DEECA Customer Contact Centre on 136 186, via the Wildlife emergency app or by contacting Wildlife Victoria on 03 8400 7300.

Drought Support Package

Farmers who have also been impacted by drought, may be eligible for support through the Victorian Government’s drought support package. The targeted support services focus on Local Government Areas in south west Victoria where conditions are most impacting farmers and communities: Glenelg, Southern Grampians, Warrnambool, Moyne, Corangamite, Colac Otway, Surf Coast, Ararat, Pyrenees, Golden Plains, Greater Geelong, as well as nominated postcodes in the southern half of West Wimmera Shire (primary production enterprises located in postcodes 3312, 3317, 3318, and 3319).

On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program

  • Applications for the On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program are now open.
  • The $12.1 million Grants Program will support eligible primary producers to invest in on-farm infrastructure that improves drought management and preparedness.
  • Eligible drought-affected farmers in Victoria’s south west can now apply for up to $5,000 (ex-GST) in co-contribution grants to support on-farm improvements such as:
  • Water infrastructure upgrades (pipes, tanks, troughs, dams),
  • Stock containment areas, and
  • Grain and fodder storage.
  • Rural Finance is administering the program on behalf of the Victorian Government. Information on the guidelines, eligibility criteria, and the application process is available from Rural Finance at or by calling 1800 260 425 during business hours.
  • The grants will be available until program funds are fully allocated.
  • The Regional Drought Coordinator is working with local councils, State Government departments, local water corporations, catchment management authorities, local health services and industry service providers to ensure support is reaching the people that need it, when they need it.

A dedicated Regional Drought Coordinator

  • The Regional Drought Coordinator is working with local councils, State Government departments, local water corporations, catchment management authorities, local health services and industry service providers to ensure support is reaching the people that need it, when they need it.
  • Email the Regional Drought Coordinator or call 136 186.

Funding for drought technical decision-making support

The drought technical decision-making support program consists of two main services:

  • One-on-one consultation with a farm advisor consisting of a face-to-face consultation of up to 3 hours and a follow up phone consultation. Consultations will include the development of a Drought Management Action Plan to assist with decision making in the short, medium and long term.

Farmers can express their interest in the service. To apply farmers will need to show eligibility (farm address), their Australian Business Number (ABN) and their contact details for their preferred consultant to contact them.

Farmers are invited to indicate their preferred consultant from the list of consultants verified by Agriculture Victoria.

Rural Financial Counselling Service wellbeing counsellor

  • Support to continue the work of the Rural Financial Counselling Service wellbeing counsellor to work directly with impacted families and tailor wellbeing supports to their individual needs.

Where can I get more information about the drought support package?

Feeding Livestock

The Feeding Livestock website hosts the Drought Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle and Sheep books, as well as many other resources, tools and links.

Public land recovery

Recovering from the impacts of fires and floods on parks and forests is important. DEECA’s role involves:

  • rehabilitating and restoring the damage caused by fire control operations
  • reopening our strategic road network and protecting it from erosion
  • restoring forest and park infrastructure
  • protecting water quality and supply
  • protecting cultural heritage
  • wildlife rescue
  • helping other agencies with the recovery of the local community when a fire has affected the community's safety or economic or social well-being.

We try to reopen any closed areas as soon as possible. This may take some time. We may need to replace infrastructure or clear hazards such as falling trees to make the area safer.

Fences and control lines after bushfire

Landholders are expected to manage risks to their assets from the potential impact of bushfire. All landholders are expected to have appropriate levels of insurance cover for boundary and internal fences, in the same way any business venture or private householder should protect and insure their assets.

It is the responsibility of the owner of private land to fence their property and secure stock within their boundary.

DEECA has a policy about fences and fire control lines after bushfires.

Some landholders that have boundaries alongside national parks, state parks or state forests may be eligible for assistance following bushfire.

Under its bushfire recovery policy, the Victorian Government will assist with fencing repair and replacement by paying half the cost of materials to repair or replace bushfire damaged fencing of agricultural land bordering national parks, State parks and State forests to its pre-existing standard.

Under this policy, half the costs of materials up to a maximum of $5000 per km is funded. Payment will consider the type of fence being replaced. This includes fences damaged by a backburn which are treated the same as damage by bushfire. Labour costs are to be met by the landholder. This policy is managed by Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic).

Internal fences burnt by bushfire is not covered under this policy. Landholders are responsible for internal fences on private land.

Where fences (boundary and internal) have been damaged by firefighters either by machinery or cutting of the fence to gain access, FFMVic will fully cover the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged section of the fence to the pre-existing standard.

To find out whether you are eligible:

Essential water replacement after bushfire

This scheme helps to relieve hardship in the community by replenishing essential private water supplies that have been used by fire services during bushfire emergencies.

The Victorian Government has a policy regarding replacing essential water used during bushfire fighting operations.

CFA and Forest Fire Management firefighters have the legislative powers to take water from any waterway or water source for firefighting purposes.

The water owner can request replacement of essential water under this scheme.

The water replacement scheme recognises that, while farmers understand the urgency of firefighting, their basic water interests have to be protected too.

If taken for firefighting purposes, a reasonable and sufficient volume of essential water will be provided to sustain the:

  • health of affected residences and pets
  • health and productivity of stock

To lodge a request for essential water replacement, download and complete the Essential Water Replacement form, then email it to

Your local council, DEECA or CFA Office can assist you with lodgement if required.

Essential Water Replacement requests must be submitted within 3 months of the essential water being taken for bushfire fighting operations.

Farm water

Summer Water Calculator

Use the summer calculator to check water levels in your dams and tanks and to estimate how long water for stock will last.

Features include:

  • No login required, mobile friendly
  • Calculates automatically
  • You can select different dam shapes plus name dams and tanks
  • Accounts for batter slope and average summer evaporation rates
  • Delivers estimate of useable water - you can allow for sludge
  • Help information available on every page
  • Export a PDF summary of your current available water - print or email
Measuring the depth of your dam

Watch a short video  to measure the depth of your dam

Farm Water Calculator

This farm water calculator  tool has been developed to assist with planning on farm water supplies.

The figures and formulas used are based upon best science at this time. But, due to the variable nature of water and the assumptions contained within the science, these figures should be used as a guide only.

Managing water in stock containment

A stock containment area consists of one or more small yards where stock are confined during periods of drought, natural disasters and other emergencies. Find out more about managing water in stock containment areas

Rural Financial Counselling Service

The Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) offers free, confidential and independent financial information, options, decision-making support and referral services to farmers and small, related rural businesses who are in, or at risk of, financial hardship.

A Rural Financial Counsellor can visit farmers at their place of business or residence and can assist with business planning, creditor negotiation, cash flow management, accessing government and industry support programs and referrals to other professional services.

Contact the RFCS service for south west Victoria:

RFCS Victoria West

Phone: 1300 735 578
or connect with your closest service by calling 1300 771 741 or visiting

Farm Household Allowance

Farmers in financial hardship may be eligible for the Commonwealth Government’s Farm Household Allowance (FHA), a fortnightly payment available for up to 4 years in a specific 10-year period.

A rural financial counsellor can help farmers to understand eligibility and apply.

Local council rates – hardship assistance

If you are having difficulty paying your rates, contact your local council to see what hardship assistance they can offer.

The sooner you contact them the better.

When speaking to your local council officer, find out about:

  • available hardship assistance,
  • if you are eligible for any rate concessions, and
  • what type of assistance is best for you.

More information is available from the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 or visit National Debt Helpline.

Find the contact details of your local council.

Regional Investment Corporation

Farmers may be able to access low-interest loans through the Commonwealth Government’s Regional Investment Corporation (RIC). A RIC loan is a partnership between the farm business, a commercial lender and the Regional Investment Corporation. Available loans include:

  • the Farm Investment Loan is used to ‘recover from severe business impact and prepare for future financial disruptions’; it can be used to refinance your debt, pay your operating expenses and enhance your productivity.
  • the Drought Loan is used to ‘help prepare for, manage through, and recover from drought’; it can be used to refinance certain debt, pay outstanding bills, pay for fodder or carting water, and contribute to the cost of drought recovery.

The information here is current at the time of publication.

Complete and up-to-date information about low interest RIC loans, the application process, eligibility, and terms and conditions is available from the Regional Investment Corporation.

Call 1800 875 675, email or visit

Farmer Assistance Hotline

Contact the Farmer Assistance Hotline on 132 316 to find out about Australian Government support services available to farmers and rural communities.

Business Victoria

The Business Victoria website has information and resources to support businesses including currently available grants and programs.

Personal wellbeing support

The resource directory has a full listing of wellbeing supports.

National Centre for Farmer Health

The National Centre for Farmer Health is supporting primary producers through the delivery of initiatives to boost farmer mental health and wellbeing, including:

  • Distribution of mental health resources and support information
  • ‘Managing Stress on the Farm’ book explores the common causes of stressors on farms and offers practical ways to deal with them. It also includes the Steering Straight plan, to help individuals manage their mental health with practical, useful steps.

Visit the NCFH Support Hub for a range of mental health resources and information tailored for Victorian farmers and agricultural communities.

Rural Financial Counselling Service Victoria West – wellbeing support

The RFCS Victoria West offers wellbeing support to help with mental stresses resulting from financial issues and can help farmers and small business owners to:

  • Develop strategies to cope with stress
  • Recognise signs of poor health in themselves and/or their workers
  • Set up a support network within family/friends/community
  • Identify groups/activities within the community that can help
  • Access health services through referrals.

If you’re interested in speaking with a wellbeing counsellor, please contact RFCS Victoria West or call 1300 735 578.

GPs and community health care providers

If in need of support during difficult times, visit your local Doctor (GP).

Community health services also provide a range of primary health care services that could include acute hospital care, medical centre, home and community care, district nursing, women’s health, allied health services (podiatry, occupational therapy etc.), counselling, pharmacy, referrals. Contact your GP or local Community Health service.

Rural Flying Doctor Service – Flying Doctor Wellbeing

Flying Doctor Wellbeing is a free mental health and wellbeing service for people in some rural and remote Victorian communities.

Contacts: email or call (03) 8412 0480.

Government and agency contacts

Find your local council contact details.

Water corporations and services

Fifteen water corporations provide water supply (including recycled water) and sewerage and trade waste disposal services to customers throughout Victoria.

Find your local water corporation.

Catchment Management Authorities

Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) are responsible for the integrated planning and coordination of land, water and biodiversity management in each catchment and land protection regions.  These 10 authorities have the lead role in developing and delivering regional programs for waterway management.

Find your local CMA.

Page last updated: 03 Jan 2025