On-farm bushfire recovery resources

Following a bushfire there are many decisions that need to be made in relation to the immediate needs of livestock or production systems. Other decisions can be made in the longer term such as the need for pasture establishment. To assist in making decisions for your on-farm recovery a range of technical information and advice can be found on this page.

To speak to an Agriculture Recovery team member phone 136 186. or email recovery@agriculture.vic.gov.au

Support programs

Experiencing a bushfire on your farm can be distressing and traumatic. It can also be a time of financial pressure. There is a range of support services and programs that can assist you and your family. For more information visit:

Recovery after an emergency

Managing livestock

Assessing, euthanasia and disposal of livestock


Feeding and agistment of livestock


Horses and pets


Managing your property



Most fires have a drastic effect on a pasture.

Fire changes the botanical composition and will retard the pasture leading to a reduction in the growth and carrying capacity of the pasture in the following season.

Fire changes pastures in different ways according to several different factors: the intensity of the fire, the pasture species present, the fertility of the soil, the time of the autumn break and follow up rains.

More about on farm  bushfire recovery



Plans and manuals

Page last updated: 23 Aug 2023