Domestic animal (microchip) registries
HomeSafeID’s animal registry service has now closed
From 7 February 2025, HomeSafeID is no longer licensed under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 to keep and maintain an animal (microchip) registry service for Victorian pet owners.
All Victorian records for cats, dogs and horses from HomeSafeID are being transferred to Central Animal Records in accordance with the Domestic Animals Regulations 2015 and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. This follows an expression of interest (EOI) process that determined Central Animal Records as the most appropriate registry to receive this data to ensure it is not lost and provide continuity of service for owners.
For pet owners
- If you are based in Victoria and are unsure which database your pet’s microchip is currently registered with, you can visit this website:
- Central Animal Records has been selected to host data on prescribed animals (cats, dogs and horses) previously held by HomeSafeID. The Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA) is committed to protecting personal information provided by owners to HomesafeID in accordance with the privacy principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. The information provided will be transferred to Central Animal Records for the purpose of identifying and reuniting pets as per the Domestic Animals Act 1994.
- Affected owners will be contacted by Central Animal Records with further information, including details on how to update your records. You may access the information you have previously provided to HomesafeID following the completion of the migration.
- Data from pets that are not a cat, dog or horse that were registered with HomeSafeID will not be transferred to Central Animal Records. Records will be kept by DEECA for a transition period to allow for a reasonable period of time for owners to register with another Victorian licensed registry. Records will then be disposed of in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
- If you identify your pet’s microchip as being registered with HomeSafeID and your pet is not a cat, dog or horse, you are advised to start the process to register the microchip with one of the other Victorian licensed registries:
- There may be a cost associated with this process, which will be determined by the registry.
- If your pet’s microchip is registered with one of the other licensed registries there is no further action required from you, other than ensuring your contact details are up to date with the microchip registry your pet is listed with in the event they ever go missing.
- It is important to keep your pet’s microchip details up to date in the event they ever go missing so they can be reunited with you as soon as possible.
For authorised implanters of microchips, including veterinarians
If you have submitted microchip registration forms to HomeSafeID since November 2024 there is a possibility that the records have not been entered in the database, meaning the microchips may not be registered with HomeSafeID. You are encouraged to register these microchips with another animal registry service licensed in Victoria.
To ensure continuity in microchip registrations, Animal Welfare Victoria (AWV) advises that you now register your clients’ animals’ microchip details with one of the following Victorian-licensed registries:
- Australasian Animal Registry
- Central Animal Records
- Global Microchip Animal Registry
- Petsafe
Existing Victorian records for cats, dogs and horses that were held by HomeSafeID are being transferred to Central Animal Records. Owners will be contacted by the registry with further information in the coming weeks. For other species, you may wish to advise that owners register any new and existing microchips with one of the approved registries (above).
If you have been issued an authorised implanter number or “AXXXX” number and you need to update your details associated with your AXXXX number, you may contact your preferred Victorian-licensed animal registry service provider or email AWV at
Microchip registries that accept records for cats or dogs microchipped in Victoria must be licensed with the department.
The following registries are licensed to provide domestic animal registry services in Victoria:
Registry website | Contact number |
Greyhound Racing Victoria | |
Implanters operating in Victoria must provide the required information for an implanted dog, cat or horse to one of the listed registries above within 2 days of implantation.
Registry requirements
There are numerous conditions of licence and legislative requirements that licensed registries must abide by. Some of these are:
- 24 hour access must be provided so individual animals can be reunited with their owners.
- Details of microchip and prescribed identifying information must be placed on the registry within 4 days of receipt — provided all information is received from the authorised implanter and the required fee is paid.
- Licensed registries must communicate with each other to identify animal ownership if the details are not on their registry.
- A separate backup, updated at least monthly, of all records must be maintained.
- The animal's owner must be provided with a certificate of identification that has details of how to change contact information or ownership.
- Records must be maintained for the life of the animal or 30 years after a record is first established - whichever is the greatest of these periods.
- Microchip numbers must be verified to ensure uniqueness.