Horses and microchipping

Under Victorian law, you are not required to microchip a horse. However, if you want to have it done, it must be in accordance with laws to protect the welfare of the horse.

Only authorised veterinary implanters can legally implant microchips into horses in Victoria. This is to ensure the:

  • microchip is implanted properly to avoid it migrating in the horse
  • welfare of your horse is protected.

An authorised veterinary implanter:

  • is a veterinarian registered in Victoria
  • has successfully completed the Australian Veterinary Association's authorised microchip implanter course.

Not all veterinary practitioners are authorised to microchip horses in Victoria. You can check with Animal Welfare Victoria at to find out if your veterinarian is authorised.

When a horse is microchipped, details of the owner, horse and microchip must be sent to a licensed animal registry. This is the role of the implanter. If the horse is to be registered with an industry registry, two forms need to be completed.

Why microchip a horse?

Recording the required information on a licensed animal registry ensures that your horse can be identified:

  • if it's lost or stolen
  • in an emergency such as fire or flood.

Access to records on a licensed animal registry is restricted by law.

A number of breed and equestrian organisations now require horses to be microchipped.

Change of contact or ownership details

When your contact details change, you need to update your details with the licensed animal registry.

If ownership of the horse changes (for example selling it), make sure the new owner completes a change of ownership form. This form is available from the licensed animal registry with which the horse was recorded when microchipped.

To find which registry your horse is recorded with, visit pet address.

It is recommended that you keep evidence of any change of ownership to prove you don't own the horse anymore if you need to.

Registering a microchipped horse

Horse owners can register horses that are already microchipped on a licensed animal registry. This provides peace of mind that their horse will be identifiable if it is lost or stolen.

Just contact one of the licensed animal registries listed.

You can find out if the horse is already registered on a licensed animal registry by visiting pet address and entering the microchip number.

More information

Page last updated: 03 Jul 2020