Get into Gums – Evolution (Year 12)

Image shows two students working at a laboratory computer

Curriculum linksImage shows gum leaf crossed with X symbol to represent DNA

Get into Gums - Evolution (Yr 12) aligns with Unit 4, Area of Study 2 of the VCE Biology Study Design. This workshop also aligns with Unit 3, Area of Study 1 of the VCE Environmental Science Study Design. Teachers may use provided workbooks as a basis for School-Assessed Coursework (SAC).


Get into Gums - Evolution (Yr 12) has students explore the relatedness between eucalypt species using molecular homology. Students undertake a bioinformatics activity using MEGA software. Using DNA sequences provided by Agriculture Victoria, students create a phylogenetic tree showing the evolution of, and relatedness between species.


Duration2 hours (online delivery 1.5 hrs)
CostFREE (workbooks provided)
LocationsAgriBio, Centre for AgriBioscience (Bundoora) and Agriculture Victoria SmartFarms (Tatura, Ellinbank, Horsham, Hamilton)

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Page last updated: 05 Jun 2024