About lumpy skin disease
Biosecurity advisory
Please read the Biosecurity advisory, dated 19 May 2022 - Foot and mouth disease and lumpy skin disease detected in Indonesia.
Read moreLumpy skin disease (LSD) is a devastating disease of cattle and buffalo caused by a capripox virus.
The disease has never been recorded in Australia but is spreading rapidly internationally.
Since 2012, LSD has spread from Africa and the Middle East into south-eastern Europe, affecting European Union (EU) Member countries (Greece and Bulgaria) and several other countries in the Balkans.
LSD was first reported in Asia and the Pacific region in 2019 in north west China, Bangladesh and India. During 2020, LSD continued to spread across continental Asia with many countries including Bhutan, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka, reporting outbreaks. In 2021, the disease was confirmed in Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. Indonesia reported confirmed cases in March 2022.
The World Organisation for Animal Health (the OIE) is encouraging members in at-risk areas to initiate vaccination campaigns ahead of virus entry and to continue timely reporting of all outbreaks [1].
The European Union has implemented an intensive (and expensive) vaccination and culling program to halt the spread of the disease.
Victorian Significant Disease Investigation program
With LSD moving through Asia, the risk of this disease entering Australia is increasing. The potential economic impact of an incursion would be considerable due to the disruption of trade in livestock and livestock products, as well as costs associated with disease control and eradication.
With the heightened awareness internationally of LSD, it is important that Australia, with its large dairy and beef export markets, is able to confidently and credibly demonstrate on-going freedom from this disease.
Equally, it is important that veterinary practitioners are aware of the disease and are able to recognise it quickly if an incursion should occur.
To assist with these objectives, the Victorian Significant Disease Investigation (SDI) program supports sample collection and submission from cases where it is appropriate to consider LSD as a potential differential diagnosis.
To be eligible for investigation under the SDI program, cases must be:
- cattle or buffalo of any age
- resident in Victoria
- showing multiple, cutaneous skin lesions.
Samples from single animals are eligible, but cases involving several cattle on the same property are preferred.
Samples to collect:
- Skin lesions (excision or biopsy) – One sample in saline and a duplicate in formalin,
- Blood – One each of clotted/serum (red/gold top) tube and EDTA blood tube.
Submission, documentation and approvals process will be as per usual for a SDI investigation. Always discuss the case with your local department veterinary officer before submission.
If lumpy skin disease is suspected, please call the disease hotline on 1800 675 888 immediately.
Frequently asked questions
It is not fully understood how lumpy skin disease virus is transmitted between animals. It is believed that arthropod vectors, direct contact, contaminated feed and water and iatrogenic means (for example, repeated use of needles on different animals) can all spread the disease.
The virus is present in high concentrations in the skin nodules and scabs on affected animals and can be isolated from blood, saliva, ocular and nasal discharges and semen.
Lumpy skin disease virus can be found in blood for up to 21 days post-infection but shedding in semen may continue for at least 42 days post-infection.
Management of Lumpy Skin Disease relies on vaccination, control of animal movements and culling infected animals.
There is currently no lumpy skin disease vaccine approved for use in Australia.
Lumpy skin disease only affects cattle, water buffalo and closely related wildlife.
The disease does not affect humans.
Lumpy skin disease is a notifiable disease and any suspected cases must be reported to Agriculture Victoria on the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888 or to your local Agriculture Victoria Animal Health and Welfare staff.
- skin lesions (duplicate samples by excision or biopsy) in saline and formalin and
- blood samples - one each of clotted blood/serum (red/gold top tube) and EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) blood tubes.
Emergency Animal Disease Hotline
Lumpy skin disease is a notifiable disease. At first suspicion of disease, notify Agriculture Victoria immediately on the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888 or contact your local veterinarian or Agriculture Victoria Animal Health and Welfare staff.
More information
For more information on lumpy skin disease and Australia’s preparedness activity, please go to the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry guide.
For information about submitting samples or a Significant Disease Investigation (SDI), please contact your local Agriculture Victoria veterinary officer or animal health staff.
[1] As presented at the 6th plenary session of the 86th General Assembly of the OIE, 20–25 May 2018
Information for Veterinarians
Read further information on Lumpy Skin Disease for Veterinarians.
Fact sheets
- Lumpy Skin Disease fact sheet (PDF - 170.4 KB)
- Lumpy Skin Disease fact sheet (accessible version) (WORD - 117.8 KB)
Image credits
- Photo of black cow courtesy of Dr Pip Beard, Pirbright, UK.
- Photo of young cow courtesy of Dr Neil Fourie/Prof Estelle Venter, South Africa.