
Condition 25B - Grape Phylloxera: Wine grapes

The information within this Import Condition was current as of the date of printing: Sunday, 16 February 2025.

New entry conditions or amendments may be implemented from time to time and are uploaded into the Plant Quarantine Manual.

It is recommended that you regularly check the website for the most up to date import conditions.

Wine grapesTo a PIZTo a PRZTo a PEZ
From a Victorian PIZ Condition 25B (1) Condition 25B (5) Condition 25B (5)
From an Interstate PIZ Condition 25B (2) Condition 25B (5) Condition 25B (5)
From a Victorian PRZ No restriction No restriction Condition 25B (3)
From an Interstate PRZ Condition 25B (4) Condition 25B (4) Condition 25B (4)
From a PEZ No restriction No restriction No restriction
From Area Free No restriction No restriction No restriction


  • Phylloxera Exclusion Zones (PEZ) means a part of the state that has completed a recognised surveillance program to determine the region is free of phylloxera and is identified under a control order for the purpose of preventing the entry of grape phylloxera into area and has an Area Freedom Certificate issued by the Chief Plant Health Officer of the state.
  • Phylloxera Infested Zones (PIZ) means a part of the state where phylloxera is known to be present. Restrictions are in place to prevent the spread of phylloxera from the area.
  • Phylloxera Risk Zone (PRZ) means a part of the state where Phylloxera has not been detected and has not been through a recognised surveillance program.
  • ICA-33 means the Interstate Certification Assurance Accreditation Procedure for the Movement of wine grapes.

The movement of whole wine grapes:

  • from an area certified as known to be free of Phylloxera to any place in Victoria; or
  • from a PEZ to any place in Victoria; or
  • from a Victorian PRZ within the PRZ or into a Victorian PIZ;

may move without restriction, otherwise the movement of whole wine grapes:

  1. from a Victorian PIZ to another Victorian PIZ must be accompanied by a permit that the grapes have been:
    1. consigned for the purposes of wine making only; and
    2. consigned only to within a Victorian PIZ; and
    3. packed in bins, supplied by the processor, which have been cleaned free of soil and organic matter before delivery; and
    4. loaded into transport vehicles on a hard surface, not within the vineyard; and
    5. consigned:
      1. in bins which are not filled within 200mm of the top, and are securely covered (eg a solid cover or tarpaulin); and
      2. using transport vehicles which have been cleaned free of soil and organic matter; and
      3. along a route approved by an Inspector; and
      4. with an emergency response plan, approved by an Inspector, for handling spillages.
  2. from an Interstate PIZ to within a Victorian PIZ is prohibited unless cerified that the grapes have been:
    1. consigned for the purposes of wine making only; and
    2. consigned only to within a Victorian PIZ; and
    3. packed in bins, supplied by the processor, which have been cleaned free of soil and organic matter before delivery; and
    4. loaded into transport vehicles on a hard surface, not within the vineyard; and
    5. consigned:
      1. in bins which are not filled within 200mm of the top, and are securely covered; and
      2. using transport vehicles which have been cleaned free of soil and organic matter; and
      3. along a route approved by an Agriculture Victoria Inspector; and
      4. with an emergency response plan, approved by an Agriculture Victoria Inspector, for handling spillages.
  3. from a Victorian PRZ to any place within a PEZ is prohibited unless certified:
    1. under a permit that the grapes are,
      1. grown on a property which has been inspected within the previous year and found free of grape phylloxera; and
      2. the consignment must be verified:

        A. by an Inspector; or
        B. a business accredited under ICA‐33; or

    2. under a Plant Health Assurance Certificate that the grapes are,
      1. sourced from a property covered by a Certificate for a Property or Area issued by Agriculture Victoria after being surveyed by an Inspector during the current growing season and found free of grape phylloxera; and
      2. consigned, transported and received in accordance with ICA-33
  4. from an Interstate PRZ to any place in Victoria is prohibited unless certified that the grapes have been:
    1. grown on a property which has been inspected within the previous year and found to be free of phylloxera; and
    2. the consignment must be verified:
      1. by an authorised inspector; or
      2. a business accredited under ICA‐33.
  5. moves in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page.

Documentation requirement:

  • Condition 1: Permit and Emergency Response Plan
  • Condition 2: Plant Health Certificate or Plant Health Assurance Certificate
  • Condition 3a: Permit and Plant Health Certificate or Plant Health Assurance Certificate under ICA-33
  • Condition 3b: Plant Health Assurance Certificate under ICA-33
  • Condition 4: Plant Health Certificate or Plant Health Assurance Certificate
  • Condition 5: Permit

Map of Victorian Phylloxera Zones

Relevant Hosts / Commodities