Condition 25G - Grape Phylloxera: Cuttings and rootlings
The information within this Import Condition was current as of the date of printing: Friday, 7 March 2025.
New entry conditions or amendments may be implemented from time to time and are uploaded into the Plant Quarantine Manual.
It is recommended that you regularly check the website for the most up to date import conditions.
Movement of cuttings and rootlings
Cuttings and rootlings | To a PIZ | To a PRZ | To a PEZ |
From a Victorian PIZ | Condition 25G (3) | Condition 25G (3) | Condition 25G (3) |
From an Interstate PIZ | Condition 25G (3) | Condition 25G (3) | Condition 25G (3) |
From a Victorian PRZ | No restriction | No restriction | Condition 25G (1) |
From an Interstate PRZ | Condition 25G (2) | Condition 25G (2) | Condition 25G (2) |
From a PEZ | No restriction | No restriction | No restriction |
From Area Free | No restriction | No restriction | No restriction |
- Phylloxera Exclusion Zones (PEZ) means a part of the state that has completed a recognised surveillance program to determine the region is free of phylloxera and is identified under a control order for the purpose of preventing the entry of grape phylloxera into area and has an Area Freedom Certificate issued by the Chief Plant Health Officer of the state.
- Phylloxera Infested Zones (PIZ) means a part of the state where phylloxera is known to be present. Restrictions are in place to prevent the spread of phylloxera from the area.
- Phylloxera Risk Zone (PRZ) means a part of the state where Phylloxera has not been detected and has not been through a recognised surveillance program.
- Cutting is defined as a portion of a grapevine cane, which has not been planted in soil or permitted to develop roots
- Rootling is defined as any vine material, which has developed roots (including callus), and includes original and grafted plants
- ICA-37 means the Interstate Certification Assurance Accreditation Procedure for the Hot water treatment of grapevines
The movement of grape cuttings and rootlings:
- from an area certified as known to be free of Phylloxera to any place in Victoria; or
- from a PEZ to any place in Victoria; or
- from a Victorian PRZ within the PRZ or into a Victorian PIZ;
may move without restriction, otherwise the movement of Grape cuttings and rootlings:
- from a Victorian PRZ to any place within a PEZ is prohibited unless:
- under a permit that the cuttings and rootlings have been:
- washed free of soil; and
- treated by:
- fumigation with methyl bromide at 32g/m3 for 3 hours at a temperature of at least 18°C; or
- submerging completely in a hot water bath for:
- 5 minutes at 54±1°C; or
- 30 minutes at 50±1°C; and
- packed loosely with no more than 50 plants per bundle; or
- sourced from a Commonwealth post‐entry quarantine facility; or
- under a Plant Health Assurance Certificate cuttings and rootlings have been:
- treated and consigned in accordance with ICA Procedure ICA-37.
- under a permit that the cuttings and rootlings have been:
- from an Interstate PRZ into any place in Victoria is prohibited unless certified that the cuttings and rootlings have been:
- washed free of soil; and
- treated by:
- fumigation with methyl bromide at 32g/m3 for 3 hours at a temperature of at least 18°C; or
- submerging completely in a hot water bath for:
- 5 minutes at 54±1°C; or
- 30 minutes at 50±1°C; and
- packed loosely with no more than 50 plants per bundle; or
- sourced from a Commonwealth post‐entry quarantine facility.
- moves in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page.
Documentation requirement:
- Condition 1a: Permit
- Condition 1b: Plant Health Assurance Certificate under ICA-37.
- Condition 2: Plant Health Certificate or Plant Health Assurance Certificate under ICA-37.
- Condition 3: Permit.
Note: During hot water bath treatment, a minimum of three (3) sensors shall be used for each hot water dip tank. One sensor shall be located at a depth of 100mm from the base of the tank, another at 100mm from the surface and the other inserted into the centre of the load mass. Treatment time commences when the hot water bath returns to the treatment temperature after the germplasm has been added (54°C ±1°C or 50°C ±1°C).