
Condition 46C - Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer: Agriculture Equipment

The information within this Import Condition was current as of the date of printing: Wednesday, 3 July 2024.

New entry conditions or amendments may be implemented from time to time and are uploaded into the Plant Quarantine Manual.

It is recommended that you regularly check the website for the most up to date import conditions.

Any agriculture equipment originating from an area covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free of polyphagous shot-hole borer may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise‐

the entry or importation into Victoria of any agricultural equipment (including any vehicle, equipment or other mechanical apparatus of any kind that has been used in relation to host plants and timber) must:

  1. be cleaned free of host material by –
    1. brushing; or
    2. high pressure water; or
    3. steam; and
  2. be inspected and found free of host material and polyphagous shot-hole borer; and
  3. a copy of the certification is forwarded to Agriculture Victoria at prior to dispatch of the material; or
  4. enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page.

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC, Plant Health Declaration or Permit.

‘timber’ meanswood (round or sawn, with or without bark) of any host plant including firewood and woodchips where the chips are greater than 2.5cm, excepting seasoned timber.

‘seasoned timber’ means timber or wood including construction and fencing materials, and furniture that has been-

  • dried, or
  • treated to a hazard class of H2 or greater as provided in the AS/NZS 1604 series ‘Specification for preservative treatment’.

‘host plants’ means any plant listed below.

Scientific nameCommon Name
Acer buergerianumTrident maple
Acer negundoBox elder maple
Albizia lebbeckBroome raintree, lebbeck tree
Aleurites moluccanusCandlenut
Bauhinia variegata var. candidaOrchid Tree
Bougainvillea sp.Bougainvillea
Brachychiton populneusKurrajong, Bottle tree
Cassia fistulaGolden shower tree
Citrus x latifoliaTahitian lime
Citrus x lemonLemon
Citrus x meyeriMeyer / Eureka lemon
Coprosma repensMirror bush
Corymbia ficifoliaRed flowering gum
Delonix regiaPoinciana
Dovyalis caffraKei apple
Dracaena sp.Dracaena
Duranta erectaGolden dewdrops
Erythrina caffraAfrican coral tree
Erythrina x sykesiiCoral tree
Fatsia japonicaJapanese aralia
Ficus benjamina Weeping fig
Ficus caricaCommon fig
Ficus elasticaRubber tree
Ficus macrophyllaMoreton Bay fig
Ficus rubiginosaPort Jackson fig
Fraxinus griffithiiHimalayan ash tree, Evergreen ash
Fraxinus sp.Ash tree
Gleditsia triacanthosHoney locust
Hibiscus rosa-sinensisHibiscus
Jacaranda mimosifoliaJacaranda
Kigelia africanaSausage tree
Koelreuteria paniculataGolden rain tree
Lantana camaraLantana
Ligustrum ovalifoliumPrivet
Magnolia grandifloraSouthern magnolia
Mangifera indicaMango
Morus albaWhite mulberry
Morus nigraBlack mulberry
Oncoba spinosaSnuff-box Tree
Persea americanaAvocado
Platanus occidentalisAmerican sycamore
Platanus x acerifoliaLondon plane tree
Populus nigraBlack poplar
Populus sp. 1 (white trunk)Poplar
Prunus cerasiferaCherry plum
Pyrus calleryanaCallery pear
Quercus roburEnglish oak
Quercus suberCork oak
Rhaphiolepis loquata (syn. Eriobotrya japonica)Loquat
Ricinocarpus tuberculatus x cyanescensWedding bush
Ricinus communisCastor oil
Robinia pseudoacaciaRobinia, mop top robinia
Salix babylonicaWeeping willow
Sapindus saponaria subsp. drummondiiWestern soap berry
Schefflera actinophyllaAustralian umbrella tree
Schotia brachypetalaDrunken parrot tree
Styphnolobium japonicumWeeping saphora / sappora
Syzygium smithiiLilly pilly
Talipariti tiliaceum (syn. Hibiscus tiliaceus)Sea hibiscus, Cottonwood
Tecoma stansYellow trumpet tree
Templetonia retusaCockie’s tongue
Triadica sebifera (syn. Sapium sebiferum)Chinese tallow
Ulmus sp. 1 cf. glabra or minorElm (Scotch or Field)
Wisteria sp.Wisteria
Zelkova serrataZelkova, Japanese elm

Relevant Hosts / Commodities