Indian ringneck parrot
Psittacula krameri
While birds can make fantastic pets, exotic bird species have the potential to negatively impact our native flora and fauna should they be allowed to escape into the environment.
They have the potential to spread disease, damage agricultural crops, out compete native species and cause damage to natural spaces through over population. The risk of this can be minimised through secure bird keeping practises and reporting wild populations of exotic bird species, such as the Indian ringneck parrot, to Agriculture Victoria.
How to identify the Indian ringneck parrot
The Indian ringneck parrot , also known as the rose-ringed parakeet, is a medium-sized parrot in the genus Psittacula, of the family Psittacidae. Both males and females are bright green in colour, the males have a distinctive red and black neck ring. Captive bred ringnecks have multiple colour variations including turquoise, grey, violet, blue and yellow.
It's important to report Indian ringneck parrot sightings
Have you seen this animal in the wild in Victoria?
When possible, please include a photo with your report.
Report it nowAbout the Indian ringneck parrot
They inhabit a range of environments including deserts, savanna, grasslands, forests, rainforests, wetlands, agricultural settings and cities.
Indian ringneck parrots are a secondary cavity nester species, meaning that they use holes already dug out by other species to build their nests in. Because of this it often has conflicts with native species that use these same sites as their nests. This species is generally sedentary and social living in small flocks but can form larger groups in areas where food is abundant .
Indian ringneck parrots have three distinctive calls that are used to communicate with other birds of the same species.
Indian ringneck parrots are native to central Africa and the Indian Sub-continent and, due largely to the pet trade, have been successfully introduced into many other parts of the world where feral populations have established.
Responsible keeping of exotic birds
Indian ringneck parrots are commonly kept cage birds in Victoria, and it is not uncommon to see reports of birds that have escaped. Escaped or released birds could present a risk of pest establishment. Please adhere to the following guidelines if you choose to keep exotic parrots;
- Upgrade to the largest indoor cage available, or build a secure double-doored outdoor aviary,
- Research the dietary needs of the particular species and provide a balanced and varied diet,
- Consult regularly with an avian veterinarian and seek assistance at the first signs of illness or injury,
- When free-flying your bird indoors, double check that doors and windows are shut,
- Consider leg banding and microchipping your bird,
- Do not allow them to escape or intentionally release them into the wild,
- Consider keeping native Australian species as an alternative to exotic species.
If seen in the wild in Victoria, please report the sighting to Agriculture Victoria via our online reporting tool. Or by emailing:
Pest Risk and Impact
The Indian ringneck parrot is a generalist feeder and, as such, is a major pest of agriculture within its natural and introduced ranges overseas. This species breeds rapidly and can form enormous flocks which, if allowed to establish in Victoria, could have substantial impacts on economically important crops such as barley, sunflower, nuts, peaches and grapes. Introduced populations also strip bark from young trees as a food source, causing damage in parks and gardens.
Indian ringneck parrots are highly competitive and may outcompete native animals for nesting cavities, food sources and habitat. In other parts of the world there have been records of this species attacking other animals such as bats, squirrels and other native birds. Parrots are also known to carry and have the potential to transmit disease to both native animals and humans.
Mistaken Identity
Escaped Indian ringneck parrots are often mistaken for native parrots. There are three native species in Victoria which are of a similar size and have long tails;
- Australian or Port Lincoln ringneck parrot
- Red-rumped parrot
- Eastern rosella

Australian ringneck parrot

Red-rumped parrot

Eastern rosella