Digital bounty application system
Bounty program update
The Victorian Fox Bounty will resume on Monday 3 March 2025 with collections starting in the south-west of the state. The reward for fox scalps will increase from $10 to $14.
Participants are encouraged to set up an online account to streamline the application process and ensure prompt electronic payment. Payment by cheque is no longer available.
Participants are reminded that the wild dog component of the bounty has ended. As a result, wild dog body parts will no longer be accepted at collection centres.
The Victorian Fox Bounty is funded to continue until 30 June 2025.
Please continue to visit this website for updates. For further information please call 136 186 or email
At the beginning of the 2022 Victorian Fox Bounty season, Agriculture Victoria launched a new digital bounty application system.
The new digital bounty application system is designed to streamline the application process, reducing wait times at collection centres and speeding up bounty payments. Additionally, participants can log into their account to update their details, view their bounty application history and the payment status of any pending applications.
The digital system requires eligible participants to create an online account. To do this you will need access to an email account and have your banking details ready.
Please note: all online bounty accounts must be set up as an individual and not a business or club.
When you attend one of the scheduled bounty collection centres you will need to provide your account number, name or email address to a bounty officer. The system will auto-populate an application form with your registered details, and the bounty officer will only need to record the number of fox scalps you are submitting. A receipt will be emailed to your registered email address.
To create an online bounty account, you will need;
- to be eligible for the Victorian Fox bounty as per the Terms and Conditions
- access to a current email account
- your personal information including your banking details if you wish to be paid via electronic funds transfer (EFT).
Click on the button below to access our digital bounty application system.
Digital bounty application system
Click on the Online bounty account button to:
- create an online bounty account
- update your details
- view your application history and
- check payment status of pending applications.
Online bounty account help guide
How to create an account
Step 1
Go to the Digital Victorian Fox Bounty Application.
Step 2
Click on Create an Account. This will take you to the Create New Account page.
Step 3
Complete your personal details. Please enter your full name as shown on your Driver’s or Firearms Licence.
Please note: An account cannot be created on behalf of a club. An account can only be created in the name of the person presenting at the bounty.
- Enter your personal details – full name, address, email address and telephone number.
- Enter your banking details – BSB number, financial institution, branch name, account name and account number.
- Create a password – your password must be a minimum of 6 characters and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number.
- Read the declaration statements and click on the checkbox to confirm you agree.
- Click on Create User Account.
Step 4
An email will be sent to your registered email address with the subject ‘Victorian Fox Bounty Account Registration’. The email will contain final instructions and an activation code to complete your registration and activate your account.
Click the link titled ‘Activate your account’. You will be taken to the bounty online account activation page.
Step 5
Enter the email address associated with your online bounty account and then enter your 6-digit activation code that was sent in the email with the subject ‘Victorian Fox Bounty Account Registration’ and then click ‘Activate My Account’.
Once you have completed all the above steps, you will be registered for the Victorian fox bounty digital system. You will be able to login to your account at any time to update your details and view your application status.
How to update your details, reset your password, & check bounty application history and status of pending applications
If you move address or would like to receive payment in a different bank account, you can update those details in your online bounty account.
Step 1
Navigate to the digital bounty application.
Step 2
Select the Login button
Step 3
Input your email address and password, and click ‘login’.
A new popup box will appear asking you for a verification code.
As a security measure you will be sent a verification code to your registered email address in an email with the subject line ‘Victorian Fox Bounty Account Verification Code’
Enter the 6-digit verification code into the prompted text box and click ‘Verify’.
Step 4
When you have logged into your account you can click on ‘Update my Details’ to update the information in your account. You can also reset your password by clicking the ‘reset password’ button.
Your bounty application history (from 2022) will be shown on the main page after you login to your account. Pending application status will update as your application moves through our finance system. Please view the legend for a description of each status.