Poultry farm

In all Victorian planning schemes, a planning permit is required to use and develop land for a poultry farm with greater than 100 poultry (or 10 emus and/or ostriches). There are a range of zones where poultry farms may be permitted, and this is outlined in the Victoria Planning Provisions:

  • Farming Zone
  • Rural Activity Zone
  • Green Wedge Zone
  • Green Wedge A Zone
  • Rural Conservation Zone
  • Rural Living Zone
  • Urban Growth Zone.

To determine if an activity is permissible in one of the above zones, the local council should be consulted as local laws may apply that restrict certain uses.

For more information on permit requirements across zones in Victoria, download:

Victorian Low Density Mobile Outdoor Poultry Farm Planning Permit Guidelines - June 2018

These Guidelines provide information and direction to applicants and planners for assessing planning permit applications to establish or modify a low density mobile outdoor poultry farm. They outline what planners should expect in the application, and present key decision guidelines to support assessment of the application.

These Guidelines set out the eligibility requirements for a simplified planning assessment process based on the farms having low environmental and amenity risks.

These Guidelines apply to a planning permit application for poultry farms for chicken egg production (farm capacity of no more than 5,000 birds). Additional planning requirements are outlined in the Victorian Low Density Mobile Outdoor Poultry Farm Planning Permit Guidelines that must be met.

Victorian Low Density Mobile Outdoor Poultry Farm Planning Permit Guidelines (PDF - 594.5 KB)

Victorian Low Density Mobile Outdoor Poultry Farm Planning Permit Guidelines (WORD - 98.5 KB)

Victorian Low Density Mobile Outdoor Poultry Farm Planning Permit Guidelines - Development Plan Template

Development plan template

A development plan contains the information that planners should expect from a planning application. It outlines the way in which the facility will be sited, built and managed to meet the objectives and standards of the guidelines.

A template is provided below to assist applicants in creating your plan. The template includes guidance notes/examples and checklists to assist applicants in identifying the information to include in each section.

Further information on Poultry farms

PPN87: Preparing a planning permit application for animal production

This practice note provides information and guidance for applicants about preparing a planning permit application to use and develop land for animal production.

View PPN87 at the Department of Transport and Planning.

Egg Industry Environmental Guidelines, 2nd Edition – May 2018

View the National Egg Industry Environmental Guidelines at Australian Eggs.


For further information contact the Agriculture Victoria Planning and Advisory Service for all agricultural land use planning enquiries on agvic.planning@agriculture.vic.gov.au.

Page last updated: 10 Dec 2024