In Victoria, there are strict laws concerning prohibited pig feed and its exposure to pigs.
Date of issue: 19 May 2022 - Indonesia is currently responding to widespread detections of both foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease.
In the event of a foot-and-mouth disease detection anywhere in Australia, authorities will implement a national livestock standstill.
High standard biosecurity practices on your farm protect the safety of our food and agricultural industries.
Property identification is for tracing and controlling disease and residue problems, locating properties, and contacting owners and industry representatives.
Resources for councils, businesses and industry organisations to download factsheets, social media tiles and other materials for use.
At first suspicion of any signs of foot-and-mouth disease, contact your local vet or call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888
Foot-and-mouth disease is an acute infectious viral disease of livestock. An outbreak would have an enormous effect on the farming industry.
We acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal Owners of Country throughout Victoria, their ongoing connection to this land and we pay our respects to their culture and their Elders past, present and future.