Condition 23A - Green Snail: Properties between 2km and 25km of an infestation
The information within this Import Condition was current as of the date of printing: Wednesday, 15 January 2025.
New entry conditions or amendments may be implemented from time to time and are uploaded into the Plant Quarantine Manual.
It is recommended that you regularly check the website for the most up to date import conditions.
Any plant in tissue culture or plant originating from an area covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free from green snail may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise-
the entry or importation into Victoria of any host plant which have been grown or packed on a property within 25 km of an infestation of green snail but more than 2km from a green snail infested property is prohibited unless certified that:
- the host plant has been grown or packed on a property which:
- has been baited from 1 April to 30 November (inclusive), for at least 3 months before importation using an APVMA approved molluscicide for the control of green snail in accordance with all APVMA label directions and permit conditions, and
- the baits are laid on the property, in a continuous strip, on a 3 m wide vegetation-free strip inside the perimeter of the property and transects through the property on a grid pattern with distances between the strips of:
- 100 m for properties up to 5 ha provided that there is at least two transects running through the centre of the property at right angles; or
- 200 m for properties between 5 and 10 ha; or
- 300 m for properties greater than 10 ha; and
- inspected by an officer of the department responsible for agriculture in the state or territory in which the property is located, along bait trails 3 to 10 days after baits were laid and found free of green snail; and
- if grown in a propagating/potting media which has a soil component, the media must:
- originate from, and be stored on, properties which have been baited and inspected and found free of green snails, in accordance with the baiting requirements above (1); or
- be disinfested with one of the following treatments:
- methyl bromide fumigation 0.6 kg/m3 for 72 hours on an impervious floor with the material laid or packed no more than 660 mm deep during fumigation, or
- a steam and air mix at a temperature of 60° C for 30 minutes, or
- fumigation with a chemical containing 940 g/kg dazomet in accordance with all APVMA label directions and permit conditions; or
- enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page; or
- in the case of small lots of household potted plants, all plants must be:
- bare-rooted so as to be visually free of soil and potting media; or
- re‐potted into new commercially available potting media under the supervision of an officer of the department responsible for agriculture in the state or territory in which the material has been grown; and
- inspected by an officer of the department responsible for agriculture in the state or territory and found free of:
- green snail and
- earth material.
‘host material' means any host plant and any used package which has contained any host plants.
‘host plant' means any plant or plant product, including any leafy vegetable, cutting, potted plant, turf, bare rooted plant, mature tree, cut flower, foliage, hay, or fodder but excluding fruit, plants in tissue culture and seeds.
Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC under ICA‐46, Plant Health Declaration or permit.
Relevant Hosts / Commodities
- Abiu
- Acerola
- Achachairu
- Apple
- Apricot
- Asparagus
- Avocado
- Babaco
- Banana
- Berries (not specified elsewhere)
- Black Sapote (Black Persimmon)
- Blueberry
- Brazil Cherry (Grumichama)
- Breadfruit
- Cape Gooseberry
- Capsicum
- Cashew Apple
- Cherry
- Chilli
- Choko
- Citrus
- Cocoa Berry
- Coffee Berry
- Cucumber
- Custard Apple
- Date (fresh)
- Dragon Fruit (than lung)
- Durian
- Egg Plant (Aubergine)
- Fig
- Goji Berry
- Grape
- Guava
- Hay
- Jaboticaba
- Jack Fruit
- Ju Jube
- Kiwi Fruit (Chinese Gooseberry)
- Lettuce
- Lime
- Longan
- Loquat
- Lucerne
- Lupin
- Lychee (Litchi)
- Mango
- Mangosteen
- Medlar
- Melon
- Miracle Fruit
- Monstera
- Mulberry
- Nectarine
- Olive
- Onion
- Passionfruit
- Pawpaw (Papaya)
- Peach
- Pepino (Tree tomato)
- Persimmon
- Plants (not specified elsewhere)
- Plum
- Pome Fruit
- Pomegranate
- Prickly Pear
- Quince
- Rambutan
- Raspberry
- Rollinia (Biriba)
- Root Vegetable
- Santol
- Sapodilla (Chicosapote)
- Sapote
- Seed Potato
- Soursop (Guanabana)
- Star Apple
- Star Fruit (Carambola)
- Stockfeed
- Stone Fruit (not specified elsewhere)
- Strawberry
- Tamarillo
- Tomato
- Vai Apple (Hog Plum)
- Vegetables (not specified elsewhere)
- Wax Jambu
- White Sapote