Report sick or dead wild birds and wildlife
High pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) is a highly contagious viral disease that can cause severe illness and death in birds.
A new strain of the virus, HPAI H5N1, is more concerning than previous strains, as it not only causes mass mortality in poultry but also in wild birds and some mammals. The most critical indicator of HPAI H5N1 in wild birds and wildlife is sudden death.
Signs of HPAI H5N1 in wildlife
Other signs of HPAI H5N1 in wild birds are:
- lack of coordination, tremors, swimming in circles
- twisted neck or other unusual posture
- inability to stand or fly
- diarrhoea
- difficulty breathing, coughing or sneezing
- swelling around the head, neck and eyes
- cloudiness or change in colour of the eyes.
Reporting suspected cases in wildlife
If you find sick or dead wild birds or wildlife with signs of HPAI H5N1:
- AVOID contact with sick or dead wild birds or wildlife and their environment
- RECORD what you see
- REPORT to us by using this form or calling 136 186 in line with the below guidance
Please report:
- clusters of 5 or more sick or dead wild birds of any species, anywhere in Victoria
or one or more:
- sick or dead penguin or pelican
- sick or dead bird of prey, such as hawks, owls, eagles
- sick or dead black swan
- sick or dead marine mammal, such as seals, sea lions, dolphins.
To report sick or dead livestock, commercial poultry or pets, please call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline immediately on 1800 675 888.
Information to collect if you have found sick or dead wild birds and wildlife
- Where you found the dead wild birds or wildlife
- What type of dead wild birds or wildlife you found
- How many there were
- Your contact details (optional)
Your report can be anonymous, but we won’t be able to follow-up with you for further information.