Phylloxera management zones

See Compliance and movement conditions for more information about the requirements for phylloxera zones.

Phylloxera management zones – interactive map

For more information, please call a Biosecurity Officer on 136 186 or email

This interactive map can help determine the location of property addresses in relation to Victorian Phylloxera management zones.

How to use:

  1. Enter your full street address in the address box.
  2. Click the box 'What zone am I in?' box.

The map will tell you what zone you are in, according to the following key:

  • If your address is displayed within a red shaded area, you are in a Phylloxera Infested Zone (PIZ) (click on the zone to find out which one).
  • If your address is displayed within the yellow shaded area, you are in the Phylloxera Exclusion Zone (PEZ) (click on the zone to find out which one).
  • If your address is displayed within the orange shaded area, you are in the Phylloxera Risk Zone (PRZ).

Victorian Phylloxera zones

This information is also available as a static map. (IMAGE - 816.3 KB)

Phylloxera infested zones

Phylloxera Infested zones (PIZ) means any area in Victoria which is declared as a control area for the purpose of preventing the spread of grape phylloxera from the area.

There are 6 Phylloxera Infested zones in Victoria:

Phylloxera exclusion zones

Phylloxera exclusion zones (PEZ) means any area in Victoria which is declared as a control area for the purpose of preventing the entry of grape phylloxera to the area.

There are 2 Phylloxera exclusion zones in Victoria:

Phylloxera risk zone

Phylloxera Risk Zone (PRZ) means any area in Victoria shown as a Phylloxera Risk Zone on the map of Phylloxera Management Zones on this page.

Page last updated: 29 Aug 2023