Invasive plants and animals consultations and reviews

Current, past and proposed consultations and reviews along with written submissions and departmental responses and decisions are shown on this page.

Current and forward agenda

Livestock predation survey

Agriculture Victoria is seeking up-to-date data to better understand how wild dogs and dingoes are affecting Victorian livestock farmers.

The Livestock Predation Survey will collect data from farmers about incidents of livestock predation by wild dogs and dingoes on their properties, including:

  • The levels and frequency of livestock attacks
  • How livestock attacks impact farmers and their local communities
  • The effectiveness and efficiency of lethal and non-lethal control methods.

This survey is targeted to livestock producers across the whole of Victoria. Participation in the survey is voluntary.

Data collected through the survey will help inform a review of the policies and regulations for the management of livestock predation and conservation of dingoes in Victoria.

In partnership with Traditional Owners, Agriculture Victoria will commence formal consultation in the coming weeks , with farmers, ecologists, industry and other stakeholders being invited to participate and provide feedback.

Survey details

Duration: The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

Confidentiality: This survey is confidential and anonymous. It does not ask for your name. No information about individuals will be released. Read our privacy policy.

Deadline: The survey closes at 11:59pm on 6 August 2024.

How to Participate: Access the survey.

We are grateful for your time and participation. Your insights are invaluable to us and the broader agricultural community.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email the team at


Public consultations and reviews that have been conducted by the department.

Invasive Marine Pests Module

November 2021 to December 2021

Agriculture Victoria has developed the Invasive Marine Pests Module under the Victorian Government’s Invasive Plants and Animals Policy Framework. The module sets out the Victorian Government’s approach to the prevention, eradication and containment of marine pests and protection of assets from the impact of marine pests. The public consultation on the module provided stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the module. The Consultation Summary is provided below, and the finalised module can be found here.

Invasive Species Regulatory Improvement Study

August 2014 to January 2015

The study aimed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the regulation of invasive species in Victoria by formalising a risk based approach. The study team undertook targeted consultation with stakeholders who have had direct experience with the Victorian invasive species regulatory framework.

Non-Indigenous Bird Management Policy

Closed 16 May 2014

Working with stakeholders and bird groups to help determine the species list that the new policy applies to.

Aerial baiting for wild dogs (EPBC 2011/6183)

Closed 17 February 2014

The Victorian Government made a referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) to undertake aerial baiting for wild dog management in the Gippsland and north-east regions of Victoria.

The operation was deemed a controlled action under the EPBC Act under the controlling provisions of Listed Threatened Species and Communities (Sections 18 and 18A).

A variation to the original referral was presented to the Australian Government Department of Environment and documents were published pursuant to Section 95A of the EPBC Act for a public consultation period of 20 business days.

Non-Indigenous Bird Management Policy

15 May to 28 June 2013

To provide stakeholders with the opportunity to help develop and improve Victoria's approach to the management of non-indigenous birds.

Discussion paper

A discussion paper outlined and sought comments on a proposed new approach to the management of non-indigenous birds in Victoria.

Framework for new invasive species management legislation

13 August to 5 October 2012

To provide stakeholders with the opportunity to have their say about the proposed framework for new stand-alone invasive species management legislation for Victoria.

Contact us

Please direct any enquiries about Invasive Species consultations to the Customer Service Centre on 136 186 or email

Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024