Charru mussel

Scientific name

Mytella strigata

Image of Charru mussel. The scientific name, Mytella strigata. This image was taken by DAWE.

Key features

Key features of Charru mussel include:

  • broad range of shell colours - black, dark bluish, brown, grey and orange
  • range of shell patterns - zig zags, spots or concentric bands
  • shell beak generally short * Shell 2 - 7cm long.


The Charru mussel:

  • attaches to hard surfaces like vessels, wharves, aquaculture equipment, buoys, intake pipes etc.
  • can form dense beds on or in the sediment
  • found from mid-tide mark to 8m deep.


The Charru mussel:

  • fast-growing, displaces native species
  • causes major fouling of infrastructure.

Knowing established populations

The Charru mussel is currently not present in Victoria.

Report a marine pest sighting

Report any unusual marine species immediately using our online reporting system. Early reporting increases the chance of effective control and eradication. Please take good quality photos of the pests or damage to include in your report where possible.

Alternatively, you can call the Agriculture Victoria Customer Service Centre 136 186.

Report a sighting

Page last updated: 17 Jan 2024