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Beekeeper permits

Varroa mite update

A control area order in relation to Varroosis remains in place for Victoria. Permits remain a requirement for hives and queens from states or territories where Varroa destructor is present.

Permits are no longer required for:

  • hives and queen bees from states and territories that remain free of Varroa
  • bee products and used apiary equipment from all states.

These movements still require a valid Victorian health certificate and, in some case, require a movement notification to be made.

Beekeepers who have previously moved hives into Victoria under permit must continue to regularly report any bee movements to Agriculture Victoria.

Permits required for movement of bees

Anyone bringing bees into Victoria from any state or territory where Varroa mite is present must obtain a permit prior to movement. The products include:

  • hives (including nucleus colonies)
  • queen bees.

Information for permits to move hives into Victoria

Beekeepers whose hives have been in a Varroa-infested jurisdiction at any time in the last 12 months may apply for a permit to move hives into Victoria.

Permit applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and permits issued if the applicant meets requirements for:

  • specific training
  • hive testing of all hives, up to 64 hives
  • traceability records.

As the situation evolves, Victoria will continue to regularly reassess restrictions on the movement of hives and queens.

Before applying for a permit, beekeepers should ensure they understand, and are able to fulfil specified permit conditions.

Information on permits and conditions

More information about permits and permit conditions is available under permits section of Varroa mite frequently asked questions.

Your responsibility

It is your responsibility to stay up to date with current movement requirements before moving your bees and related items. The health of our bee populations relies on your responsible actions.

Health certificates required

Remember that a health certificate must also be obtained for all movements of bees, bee products, and used fittings (beekeeping equipment) into Victoria. This step helps ensure the health and safety of our bee populations. Find the health certificate form and requirements on Moving bees interstate.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need assistance with permits, please feel free to reach out to us:

Your support in following these measures is greatly appreciated as we work together to protect our valuable beekeeping industry and the health of our bees.

Bee and hive movement permits

Permit to move hives from a state that is not free from Varroa

Apply for this permit if:

  • you are a registered beekeeper
  • your hives have been in NSW or another Varro-infested state or territory in the last12 months
  • you want to move them into Victoria.

Beekeepers should create a BeeMAX account if they do not already have one.

If you are an interstate beekeeper, please create an interstate beekeeper account via this link:

Apply now

Queen bee movements

Moving queens from another state or territory that is not free of Varroa mite into Victoria

Apply for this permit if you are a registered beekeeper breeding queens, wanting to move queens from another other state or territory with Varroa mite into Victoria.

For permit conditions see Varroa mite – frequently asked questions.

Apply for this permit

Movement notification requirements

The following movements require specific movement notifications:

  • Used apiary equipment from a Varroa-infested state or territory
  • Bee products from a Varroa-infested state or territory
  • Hives from a Varroa-free state or territory
  • Queens from a Varroa-free state or territory

Agriculture Victoria must be notified of the movement details prior to movement of the above bees, products and equipment by emailing with a copy of the health certificate, issued under regulation 46(c) of the Livestock Disease Control Regulations 2017, and confirming, by email, compliance with the requirements.

Notification requirements from a Varroa-infested state or territory

Used equipment

(supers, beekeeping tools, suits and used fittings)

  1. Confirm that equipment has been inspected prior to movement and found free of bees and brood.
  2. Confirm that equipment is being securely transported in a manner to prevent access by bees.

Bee products

(honey, wax, pollen, propolis)

  1. Confirm that the outside of any container, pallets and packaging have been inspected prior to movement and found free from honey and wax.
  2. Confirm the consignment is being securely transported in manner to prevent access by bees and sent directly to a receival facility that is managed in a manner to prevent access by bees.
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Notification requirements from a Varroa-free state or territory


(including nucleus colonies)

  1. Confirm that hives have not spent any time in the last 12 months within an Australian state or   territory that has had a confirmed detection of Varroa.
  2. Confirm that hives have been inspected and found free of Varroa mite within 14 days prior to the   movement into Victoria, via the following method:
    1. for less than 21 hives – alcohol wash of all hives
    2. for 21 or more hives – alcohol wash of 21 hives.


  1. Confirm that queens and source hives have not spent any time in the last 12 months within an Australian state or territory that has had a confirmed detection of  Varroa.
  2. Confirm that hives within the source apiary have been inspected and found free of Varroa mite within 14 days prior to the movement into Victoria, via the following method – alcohol wash on 10% of hives in the source apiary.
  3. Confirm that, at the time of packing for dispatch, all bees (including queens, queen cells and accompanying escort bees) have been visually inspected under 4X magnification and found free of Varroa mite.
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Page last updated: 04 Dec 2024

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